5 interesting sculptures of Madrid

top 5 statues


In this post we will show you special information that few people that live in the Capital of Spain know and we share to you to includes in your morning walking tours when you decide came to Madrid. You would not include in walking night tours because in the night is difficult to see the details inclusive if they have lights.

We are going to start with the statue that has fame in Madrid for the tale legend that involves. Today is one of the fountains most visited for the tourists that have previous information about Madrid.  We are talking about Fallen Angel, which is located in one of the gardens of Retiro Park. For find the exactly location, you have to enter for the Fallen Angel door and in a few meters you will find it, but you have to careful because there are more fountains similar.  The magic that has this artistic representation is because there are few sculptures For Lucifer. Additional data is that in the floor there is a note that is located 666 meters in height above sea level.

The statue of Minerva in located in the center of Madrid in the Circulo de Bellas Artes building. Minerva is evolved in a controversy history about who is represented in the sculpture. Some people thinking that the representation is Minerva and another ones think that is Atenea. But data that the people are forgetting is both are the same god. Depends of the mythology that you know. For the Greek mythology the name of a war god is Atenea but for the Roma Mythology her name is Minerva is considered the image that has more representations in Madrid.

Felipe III Statues, the statue that is located in the centre of Plaza Mayor has a particular story. This representation of Felipe III was forgot in the fist constitution of Republic, but in 1931 when the second constitution of the Republic a military officer he introduced a explosive element in the mouth of the horse of the statue and seconds later was a explosion and little bones began. The people are expected to know about the reason. When the representation was repaired found the answer. It was a death trop for sparrows because they are hidden from the sun inside of mouth’s horse and when they wanted to leave, the couldn’t do because of the structure of the mouth, and there were many sparrows feel into this tramp. Nowadays the statue was mouth of the horse was closed to avoid being affected more birds.

The history of the Royal Palace sculptures stars when the Felipe IV, decided to build the new residence of the Kings. And have to be similar to the first one, which suffered a fire. The King ordered the construction of sculptures of the monarchs of the Spain kingdom to place them in the top of the new build, but bad dreams of the queen that the sculptures falling above her and crushed decision made the king change and placed in the square in front of the Palace.

The statue of Felipe IV is the first representation of a king on his horse with the difference that his horse perched on its two hind legs. Pietro Taca was in charge of making the statue; he had great doubts about the stability of the monument. He went to one of his Italian friends the same Galileo Galilei who immediately solved the dilemma. The solution was to build a structure with a large weight in the rear of the horse while the front had to be hollow to achieve stability. This sculpture was placed permanently in the eastern square in front of the Royal Palace.

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