What to see in Toledo, Spain

Toledo is small in the outside, but huge in the inside. Also, it is known as the “three culture” city, regarding the historical year when Catholics, Jews and Muslims live in peace and equality in the same spot. That period of time provided the city with an invaluable monumental heritage. Regarding this particularity Toledo has been declare World Heritage by UNESCO.

Panoramic of Toledo, Spain

Visiting Toledo is like going back in time, the city hasn’t change since the Middle Age. There is that much to see in Toledo, that provably a day would be enough. Anyway if you only have a day to discover Toledo a great idea will be to take a day tour around the city. We have a great deal, a guided day-tour to Toledo from Madrid, including guides in English, Italian and French.

Here they are the top five places to see in Toledo:

Santa Cruz Museum

This antique convents transformed into a museum is one of the most interesting places in Toledo. The curious integration of the convent structure and the new elements of the museum is incredible. As it is also the panoramic from the balcony, from where you can see Paseo Miradero, the New Conventions Center gardens and the river Tajo.

Besides the building, the collection shown is the reason why everybody should come to visit the Santa Cruz Museum. The exhibit includes El Grego, Berruguete and Tristan pieces all local artist from the city school along the XVI and XVII century.

Panoramic of Alcazar Toledo

Alcazar de Toledo

“Alcazar” is an old Spanish word used to describe a royal fortified dwelling.This huge square-shaped plant building dominates the landscape from the top of the mountain. Before going inside the Alcazar, eat some tapas on the outside. It is a very popular area of tapas bar.

The palace dates from III century A.C. but has suffer several restorations. The Toledo Alcazar is open to public, inside there are several exhibit and a library.

Toledo Cathedral and Saint Ildefonso Church

The Primate Cathedral of Saint Mary of Toledo is one of the most important gothic cathedrals in Spain. The building is huge, it has five naves plan and a cloister. It is said that this church has hidden treasures and ghosts. It a magic places with a bit spooky.

The Saint Ildefonso church is over to the Town Hall Square and the Archbishop Palace. The church is built in a baroque style. It took one hundred years to build this incredible structure, beginning in 1629. From the church entrance is a great panorama of the city; don’t miss it.

Not far from here, you can grab a bite in any restaurant on the Alfileritos Street. It is a very typical area in the city.

What to see in Toledo

The Jew Quarter

This was the area of the city assigned to the Jews by the Muslim authority in 920 A.C. The defensive perimeter walls were repaired and higher in order to protect the Jewish population. This indicated how important and how harmonious the relationship between all the ethnics in Toledo was.

Now a days the Jew Quarter old buildings are occupied by artisans. It is the perfect place to buy a traditional souvenir, like pottery, leader products or Toledo gold.

Toledo Mosque

Mosque of Cristo de la Luz is the name of the old city mosque –called Bab al-Mardum- turn into a chapel in the XII century. This mosque is the only survivor to the Inquisition. Toledo had at least ten mosques while the Muslim occupation. The original building was erected in 999 A.C.

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