Deprivation of citizenship in certain cases of residence abroad Subject to section 18, the Minister may order that a person who obtains citizenship by permanent residence under section 8 or by marriage to a Samoan citizen under section 9 be deprived of citizenship where the Minister is satisfied that: (a) Such person has continuously resided overseas for a period of two (2) years; and (b) The person is unlikely to reside in Samoa in the future. Therefore, the applicant needs to carry out the procedures to extract documents at the competent authority such as a birth certificate, permanent residence book before immigration. A Thai woman who marries a foreign national and acquires her husbands citizenship has technically lost her Thai citizenship. Persons who possess Qatari citizenship in addition to U.S. citizenship is are considered Qatari citizens by the State of Qatar and are subject to Qatars law. The acquisition of another nationality does not entail the loss of Dominican nationality. This certificate makes it legal to possess a Bangladeshi passport in addition to a foreign passport. Reference: In recent years, there has been discussion about a constitutional amendment to change Haitis stance against dual nationality; yet while feelings have begun to lean towards acceptance of dual citizenship, policy has yet to change. Dual citizenship is not recognized in Myanmar. Reference and official decree here. There are changes to the law mean that foreigners seeking naturalisation as a Finnish citizen do not need to renounce their former citizenship. Those born in Fiji acquire citizenship unless the parents have diplomatic immunity or neither parent is a Fiji citizen. Reference here. This is subjected to the requirements and conditions of the Federal Government. A citizen of Ghana who is also a citizen of any other country shall whilst in Ghana be subject to the laws of Ghana as any other citizen. These people are required to renounce to other citizenship upon attainment of age 21 years. Reference here. Greece is a member of the European Union, and thus, a Greek citizen may live, work, or travel freely to all other countries that are a part of the EU. Reference: Canadians are allowed to take foreign citizenship while keeping their Canadian citizenship.If you are a permanent resident but not a Canadian citizen, ask the embassy of your country of citizenship about its rules before applying for Canadian citizenship. PROCEDURES FOR REGISTRATION TO RETAIN VIETNAMESE CITIZENSHIP: - a notarised copy of the following Vietnamese documents: + The Decision to be Vietnamese Citizenship, the Decision to return for Vietnamese citizenship, the Decision on recognition of adoptions for children who are foreigners, the Decision to permit foreigners to adopt Vietnamese children. The Cte dIvoire law provides an opportunity for foreign citizens to acquire Cte dIvoire citizenship without renouncing their original one and allows citizens of Cte dIvoire to acquire foreign citizenship alongside their original (Cte dIvoire) citizenship; thus dual citizenship is allowed in Cte dIvoire. Citizens are recognized as exclusively Argentinian when in the country, and are required to enter and leave the country on their Argentine passport if they are staying in the country for more than 90 days. Telephone: 84.028.39118581 Reference here. That process can last up to a year. Bahrain does not recognize dual citizenship, except for those from a few Gulf states. Jews are also permitted to claim citizenship under its Law of Return legislation. The law also says that children born overseas to at least one Vietnamese parent will be able to claim citizenship of the South-East Asian country. Since many nationality laws now allow both parents to transmit their nationality to their common child (and not only the father, as used to be often the case), many children automatically acquire multiple citizenship at birth. It is nevertheless advisable that you consult your national authorities to find out whether the acquisition of Belgian nationality would result in the loss of your original nationality, according to the legislation in force in your country. Paraguay is one of the worlds easiest countries from which to get second citizenship. Since 2004, South African dual nationals may travel without hindrance as long as they enter and leave South Africa on their South African passports. After reaching 18 years of age individuals must choose one citizenship (limited double citizenship principle). Reference: The Bahrain Government does not recognize dual nationality. Having dual citizenship allows one to hold more than one passport, which has many different personal and travel benefits. It is unclear in which cases the Uzbek government might deny entry on this basis. Reference: Romanian citizens currently have the right to hold dual citizenship. Reference: Dual citizenship is permitted for all Spaniards by origin, as long as they declare their will to retain Spanish nationality within three years of the acquisition of another nationality. St Kitts and Nevis recognizes dual citizenship, which has a citizenship-by-investment program for those who wish to become citizens. Reference here. However, dual nationals should be aware that Vietnam recognizes their Vietnamese citizenship as primary before others. This provision raises the risk that the law may be interpreted to mean that any person who would qualify for citizenship under South Sudanese law might lose their Sudanese nationality, whether or not they wish to acquire South Sudanese nationality or whether the South Sudanese government recognises them in practice. Reference: If you hold another nationality and obtain Belgian nationality, the Belgian authorities will not ask you to renounce your original nationality. Applicants for naturalisation, however, must still renounce all their other citizenships under Section 5(1)(g) of the Citizenship Act. 17. In order to lose U.S. nationality, the law requires that the person must apply for the foreign nationality voluntarily, by free choice, and with the intention to give up U.S. nationality. V. Notes about the registration procedures for permanent residence and Vietnamese citizenship. Notice by Minister Before making an order under sections 15, 16 or 17, as the case may be, the Minister shall cause to be served on that person a notice in Samoan or English: (a) Stating that the Minister intends to make such an order; and (b) Citing the section of this Act under which the Minister proposes to act; and (c) Specifying the grounds on which the Minister intends to make such an order. Dual nationals are however restricted by Article 20 from holding most public offices in Taiwan. Reference: Dual citizenship is recognized in Jamaica. It is not necessary to visit St. Kitts to process the 2nd citizenship application, but we do recommend you visit the island if you have chosen the Real Estate option, to select your property. In cases by registration, where a person is by operation of law is a citizen but have yet to be registered, such person is entitled to citizenship upon application and be registered as a citizen of Malaysia. exemption from the requirement to renounce the prior citizenship. These countries are mostly Western nations. Even though Swiss nationality law permits multiple citizenship, a Swiss national who also holds another countrys citizenship may be required to renounce the foreign citizenship, under the foreign countrys nationality law. Reference here. Reference: Dual citizenship is permitted under Hungarian Law. Dual citizenship is accepted in Cyprus, which also has an economic citizenship program for those who wish to become citizens. Reference here. Email:, Address: 109 Hoang Sa Str, aKao Ward, Dist 1, HCM City If I apply for dual citizenship with Vietnam, do I have to renounce my U.S. citizenship? C. Mailing service: A citizen who ceased to be a citizen, before the commencement of this Constitution as a result of acquiring the citizenship of another country, shall be entitled to apply, as prescribed, to the Citizenship Board of Zambia, for citizenship and the Board shall bestow citizenship on that person. And, if you want to reside in St. Kitts there are no restrictions on doing so. Armenian citizenship does not end simply because your passport expires or Armenian citizen lived outside of Armenia for extended period of time. So long as such a person refrains from exercising the rights of foreign citizenship, the Government has no grounds for depriving him of his Singapore citizenship and he may hold on to dual citizenship. Someone born Vietnamese can only lose Vietnamese citizenship if they voluntarily apply to renounce it, or if they are deprived of it for being involved in acts seriously damaging the interests of Vietnam, or if they are overseas Vietnamese who failed to register within 5 years of the 2009 law. Reference here. Dual Nationality: Dual nationality is accepted by the Vietnamese government in some, but not all, circumstances. Japan does not recognize dual citizenship, and requires all minors who maintain multiple nationalities to relinquish their non-Japanese passport once they reach adulthood. WebEven if your country allows dual citizenship you are required by U.S. law to use a U.S. passport to leave and re-enter the United States after becoming a U.S. citizen. Dual citizenship is recognized and encouraged in Canada. Some countries nationality laws (among them Japans) nonetheless require their nationals to choose between keeping that countrys citizenship or keeping their Iraqi citizenship. However, in general, naturalized citizens are required to relinquish all other nationalities within six months of becoming a citizen. Announcements made prior to the effective date of this amendment are not affected by this amendment. However, article 977 of the Civil Code of Iran deals with multiple citizenship. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If, on the other hand, you have applied for or clearly accepted citizenship in another country, you will normally lose your Norwegian citizenship. The childs American citizenship is derived from the principle of jus soli or place of birth, while his Philippine citizenship is derived from the principle of jus sanguinis or citizenship of his parents. You will not lose your Norwegian citizenship if you have been granted a new citizenship without having asked for it, and, in such cases, you will have dual citizenship. How long does it take to become a citizen in Vietnam? Bulgaria permits dual citizenship only for native-born citizens, and those who previously gave up their citizenship are allowed to get it reinstated. At this point, person must choose which citizenship to retain. Dual citizenship is accepted in Turkey, but citizens must inform the government if they choose to take up another nationality. However Azerbaijani immigrants wishing to renounce their citizenship in order to acquire citizenship in another country (such as Germany, which requires denunciation of previous citizenships, or Japan) must apply for denunciation. Australia) is regarded by the Vietnamese government firstly as a Vietnamese national. According to the provisions of the current Nationality Law, a person of Vietnamese origin wishing to return or naturalize Vietnamese citizenship is not required to give up foreign citizenship. Sudan recognizes dual citizenship. Reference: The UAE Government does not recognize dual nationality. Reference here. Reference: Dual citizenship is not recognized in Solomon Islands but have exceptions. Reference here. One may also work toward citizenship by first obtaining residency in Greece, but the government does not encourage this route. Taiwan allows its citizens to hold dual citizenships, but such citizens are prohibited from holding most public offices in the country. Syria recognizes dual citizenship, but becoming a national is almost impossible, as it requires one to not only marry a Syrian, but also live in the country for 10 years. Reference here. Dual citizenship is not recognized in Uzbekistan. Reference here. The passage of R.A. 9225 makes it possible for Filipinos to hold dual citizenship through means other than by birth. Dual citizenship is accepted in Mauritius. Reference: An Omani is not allowed to waive his citizenship in order to obtain another nationality, unless after making sure that he/she has fulfilled all commitments towards the Sultanate. Dual citizenship is not recognized in Micronesia, and all citizens who acquired a foreign nationality at birth are required to give up one of his passports within three years of his 18th birthday. Pakistan allows citizens to hold citizenship from just 16 countries, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Iceland, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. For the Iranian government, in practice, dual citizens are Iranian citizens only. Such citizens must enter and leave the country on their Emirati passport. Reference: The following citizens shall be considered original citizens of East Timor, even if they are born in a foreign country: Children of an East Timorese father or mother living overseas. Reference here. Naturalized citizens, however, are required to give up all other nationalities. However, a South African citizen who by a formal and voluntary act acquires the citizenship of another country, automatically loses his or her South African citizenship unless they apply for, and receive permission to retain their South African citizenship before acquiring the citizenship of another country[1]. Reference here. Former citizens who lost their nationality before dual citizenship was permitted may apply to have it reinstated. In addition, in the process of implementing the procedure, the state authorities may request to explain some information related to the identity of the applicant for permanent residence. Those who obtain another citizenship at birth are required to give it up at the age of 21 or lose their Congolese citizenship. A dual citizen may have acquired citizenship by birth in a foreign country, by descent from a foreign citizen parent, or by naturalisation. Ghana permits dual citizenship. The constitution also contains a provision allowing for resumption of nationality by those who lost it previously upon previous naturalisation abroad. Moreover, as a citizen of Saint Lucia, you are eligible to be issued with a passport which allows visa-free travel to about 98 countries and territories worldwide, including the entire EU making Saint Lucian citizenship exceptionally appealing. Reference here. Certain foreigners and overseas Vietnamese can apply for dual Honduran who acquires foreign citizenship by marriage. France later denounced Chapter I of the Council of Europe Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and on Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality of May 6, 1963. Reference: Iran does not recognize dual citizenship as such. Reference: Dual citizenship is not recognized in Thailand. If he fails to comply with this Section, he becomes a national of the Federated States of Micronesia. Reference here. However, citizens who take up South Sudanese nationality will lose their Sudanese passport. Vietnam is a party to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Hague Adoption Convention or Convention). Reference here. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Palauan citizen may renounce their Palauan citizenship. children who acquired automatically at birth the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova and the citizenship of another state; its citizens who possess simultaneously the citizenship of another state when the other citizenship is automatically acquired by marriage; children, citizens of the Republic of Moldova, who acquired the citizenship of another state by adoption; if this results from provisions of the international agreement to which the Republic of Moldova is a Party; if the renunciation or loss of the citizenship of another state is not possible or cannot reasonably be requested, in other cases stipulated by the present Law. Conceptually, citizenship is focused on the internal political life of the country and nationality is a matter of international dealings. Dual citizenship is accepted in East Timor. Reference here. Reference: Citizenship of another State of a citizen of Turkmenistan shall not be recognized. However this has no effect on you. Natural citizens of Iberoamerican countries, Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea and Portugal are exempted from this requirement. 2.Certificates of Vietnamese nationality shall be granted to those who have filed applications therefor and can prove that they hold Vietnamese nationality. At the age of eighteen (18), the child must choose one citizenship. Also, citizens who marry a foreign national do not have to give up their Afghan citizenship unless required by their spouses country. Reference: Kyrgyzstan does not recognize dual citizenship with any of the neighbouring countries (China, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan). Reference here. Reference: Dual citizenship recognized in these special categories; Person born abroad of St. Vincentian parents, who obtained citizenship of the country of birth. Female citizens who take up the nationality of their foreign spouse will lose their Thai citizenship, but they may regain it if their marriage ends in death or divorce. Reference: Dual citizenship is not recognized in Saudi Arabia, except for those Saudi woman who marries a foreign citizen may retain her Saudi citizenship unless prohibited by laws of the spouses home country. Switzerland permits dual citizenship for both native-born and naturalized citizens. A person who renounced their Colombian nationality may recover it later. Reference: A person having a dual nationality does not lose his Moroccan nationality. Reference: Montenegro permits dual citizenship in very limited circumstances. Now you are Reference: The holding of Italian citizenship alongside another citizenship, is article 7 of law number 555 of 1912. Reference: Iraqi recognises dual nationality. Dual citizenship is accepted in Honduras. These cookies do not store any personal information. Reference: Dominica does not require you to renounce your current citizenship. WebCitizenship Services - U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Vietnam U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Vietnam Visas U.S. Citizen Services Our Relationship Business Education & Culture Embassy & Consulate News & Events Citizenship Services Home | U.S. Citizen Services | Citizenship Services What Service Do You Require? Reference: Dual citizenship in Mozambique refers to holding a foreign citizenship alongside the Mozambique citizenship. Reference: Any person who ceases to be a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago under the former Constitution by reason of his failure to renounce his citizenship of another country shall, if the citizenship of that other country was acquired involuntarily or by marriage, be deemed not to have ceased to be a citizen by reason of such failure; and, unless he has since acquired citizenship of a foreign country by voluntary act other than marriage, or he has otherwise lost his citizenship under section 14, he shall continue to be a citizen under this Act. Given the tenuous nature of the Palestine nation state, it does make sense for Palestinians to seek out second citizenship. Dual citizenship is permitted in Russia, but dual nationals are required to inform the authorities of their status. This way of granting Georgian citizenship also became a way for the president to enable Georgian citizens in the past, who left Georgia during the Soviet era, and their descendants who had been born out of Georgia, to reunite with their home state and reconnect with their origin, which was also considered as a national goal and the state interest. Reference: Afghanistan does not recognize dual citizenship except for those former citizen of Afghanistan, who fled the country due to political instability or war and has acquired new citizenship, may still hold unofficial Afghan citizenship. Reference: In general, the Austrian Nationality Act does not allow dual citizenship except for persons who obtain two citizenships at the time they were born (e.g. Bahamas does not allow dual citizenship. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 109 Hoang Sa, Da Kao Ward, District 1, HCMC Reference here. If that is the case, however, such an individual must always enter and leave the country as a Mexican (by presenting a Mexican proof of citizenship). Nicaragua does not accept dual citizenship, except for individuals from Central American countries and nations with which it has dual citizenship agreements. It is located in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth. : In case of Brazil it is possible to renounce your citizenship through a requirement made in the Brazilian consulate if you already have acquired another citizenship voluntarily, but it is not required to do so; the following jus-soli countries allow renunciation only if the citizenship was acquired involuntarily by birth there to non-citizen parents: Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mxico, Nicaragua, Uruguay), or if the renunciation process is too difficult, humiliating or expensive (e.g., Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Nigeria, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia), or, rarely, in individual cases if the renunciation of the old citizenship means enormous disadvantages for the concerned person. Automatic loss of Indian citizenship covered in Section 9(1) of the Citizenship act 1955, provides that any citizen of India who by naturalisation or registration acquires the citizenship of another country shall cease to be a citizen of India. This means you have to give up Indian passport and citizenship to the nearest Indian embassy, should you become citizen of foreign country. Reference: Greece permits dual citizenship. Thus, foreigners who acquire Lebanese citizenship and Lebanese citizens who voluntarily acquire another citizenship keep their previous citizenship (subject to the laws of the other country), as was the case before that date. It states specifically that naturalisation abroad no longer causes loss of Ecuadorian nationality; loss of previous nationality is no longer a condition of naturalisation in Ecuador. Procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website to take up South Sudanese nationality lose. 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