MMM doesnt that look good, but the water company says its ok to drink; my guess is theyre lying, too. Sometimes you need the precision of a fighter aircraft instead of the large, broad brush approach of a heavy. Of That the chemicals removed by me, found in our air / blood, water and urine is providing an enriched environment for the accelerated growth of these synthetic model organisms. Keep an eye out for these seven signs that you may have a dying tree so you can take care of it before it does damage to your property. Contrails happen all over the country, even over the oceans. 2023 - All Rights Reserved. I bet it would. correspond with the installation of all the microwave antennae on this mountain!!! Store clerks and others seem to suffer from these same neurological symptoms as well. Chemtrails are creating holes in the ozone layer and enabling the Ultra Violet rays through pass through the atmosphere which are proving to be very harmful for the beings on earth . Unfortunately, aluminum and barium are toxic to humans. They are crimes against all Gods wondrous creatures in general. The chemtrail sprays have various elements in them like carbon which can used to absorb microwaves. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. My bugers may somehow be the cause. Both apple trees look like this. Climate engineers want to start using the terms 'Albedo-enhancement' and 'Cloud reflectivity enhancement' instead of Geoengineering because people are waking up to the meaning of that term. What can be done you ask, anything? They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. Everyone one of us and every living thing is living now in a state of sanctioned, deliberate, heavy metal intoxication / poisoning of differing degrees and stages, as inside air and outside air are different, as these positively charged metal particles are drawn to the ground first. (Revelation 18:1-8) KJV BibleDuring the Reformation this is what most Preachers taught regarding Antichrist1522 Martin Luther,1536 Jean Calvin,1543 Phillip Melanchthon,1545 Andreas Osiander,1554 Nicolaus von Amsdorf,1558 Johann Funck,1560 Virgil Solis,1570 Georg Nigrinus,1572 David Chytraeus,1530 Johann Oecolampadius,1557 Heinrich Bullinger,1550 William Tyndale,1545 George Joye,1554 Nicholas Ridley,1553 Hugh Latimer,1582 Thomas Cranmer,1550 John Bale,1562 John Jewel,1587 John Foxe,1547 John Knox,1593 John Napier,1614 Thomas Brightman,1618 David Pareus :-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of Rome-Book of Revelation Chapter 17 Harlot,Babylon - Roman Catholic Church-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn -- PapacyAfter the Reformation this is what most Preachers taught regarding Antichrist1798 Richard Valpy,1798 Joseph Galloway,1798 Edward King,1797 David Simpson,1796 Christian Thube,1795 George Bell,1794 Joseph Priestly,1793 James Bicheno,1768 Johann Ph. Most of these observations were made outside a small town (approx pop. Using spectroscopy and pH tests to prove his hypothesis, Carnicom warned that his findings have major implications for both the chemistry and biology of the nation and the globe. Carnicom also shrewdly discovered that in 1997, U.S. officials altered national visibility standards, indicating anticipation of an aircraft aerosol operation to be conducted over large geographic regions. How do we stop something that they continue to deny is even exists. Measuring almost a quarter mile in length, the twisting, winding mound built in the form of a massive snake swallowing an egg, is believed . One of my neighbours saw them. Its been like a splinter in my mind . Remy Van Lierde: The Belgian WWII Ace Who Encountered a 50 Feet Long Snake? Unique Boating Apparel and Accessories. Aluminum measured at 6400x above the toxic limit, along with Manganese at 5820x, Iron at 28000x, Barium at 278x, etc. These ionospheric heaters can also operate as an over-the-horizon or under-the-ocean communications system. (My air collector can be made for about $35) For the most part I no longer photograph morgellons fibers in spider webs, they are far too frequent and no longer a surprise. Have you ever wondered what thats all about? Poisonous Chemtrail Rain is Killing our Trees. Our pineal gland (the fight or flight receptor in our brain) has been plaqued over or destroyed is my guess and fluoride (see university of Texas studies) has likely helped do that. The Temporal Power of the Pope is obvious, Cardinal Egan sitting before his two puppet Candidates. I felt I owed him an explanation as to why I was going to turn him down and move so I showed him the extent of my research. I also have trees growing in my front yard and back yard. All species and life forms are under deliberate, multiple attack. Prestodoodoo is more than likely a internet government troll being paid to spread misinformation and create doubt in the minds of those still on the fence. It is a wonderful act of mercy to comfort the dying and mourn with those relatives left behind. How many IQ points will sodium fluoride (toothpaste fluoride) remove over time? As for me, my nose runs a lot, my ears ring now constantly and my vision in one eye has become a little blurry, my joints ache, etc. Demoralized citizens have become increasingly ill and angered, not only by the aerosol project itself, but by the arrogance of those who do whatever they please, the consequences be damned. I think years of contrails, and the more recent years of chemtrails has caused this reaction, and our trees are dying from it. Contrail, also called condensation trail or vapour trail, streamer of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear cold humid air. enhance and carry their signals. 1379 John Wycliffe,c. Infected trees develop mottled leaves, produce deformed fruit. They??? My Three Favorite (but obscure) War Movies, Innovation on Morse Code for the US Military, Lone Survivor uncovered: The ambush at Sawtalo Sar, Adam Brown: A SEALs Life of Courage and Redemption, Complete List: Ticonderoga-class Missile Cruisers To Retire By 2027, Nuclear Close Calls That Nearly Caused World War III, Russian Sausage Millionaire and Putin Critic Falls to His Death in India, Deadly Russian Rifle Brigade Wiped Out During War in Ukraine, Your Subscription Supports our Veteran Staff. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Do you still believe them? Reports are coming in, far and wide, from Halifax, New Jersey toOrlando, Florida. When most of them die in WWIII they will think it is the other ones faults. Those of us who work outside will bear the brunt of this first, and those who work with or around transmitters will show advanced symptoms. Man kind has thus helped establish a false climax forest which isn't sustainable compared to what developed here since the last ice age. If trees are breathing it, then so are we all, (animals big and small), and so may the plankton in the oceans that produces most of the planets oxygen. Near bottom of the industrial nations. 7. Our country has a history of experimenting on its citizens. Be cautious to whom you tell, dont upload on your hard drive or transmit electronically or be on a computer hooked to the net. Overall, it produces less severe health effects unless it is extremely heavy. I discovered quite by accident that a cheap hot melt glue stick gun, is good for sealing microscope slides as it preserves the specimen and is like a lint brush for Morgellons fibers. The bag was comprised of hundreds of fibers that looked a little different than the ribbon-like morgellons fibers though many of those were present. Chemtrails are the medium GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply: Chemtrails are the medium directed energy is the method. Drought, prolonged or repeated, flooding for periods longer than normal, excessive cold or heat, root damage, bark damage can all affect the vitality of the tree. It is hard for the government to fool knowledgeable people about their spraying of chemtrails that is why they rely so heavily on people who believes their lies and see the chemtrails as contrails but if we ever get the majority of people to wake up the government wouldn't be able to continue to lie about the chemtrails or anything else. An unusual chemical smell was in the air, that was noticed by others as well, that smelled like a pesticide. It is an offensive and defensive system against EM attacks and missiles. Electro MAGNETIC frequencies work best with metals to At 6:00 am on the way to work there were not one but three major accidents on the main road. She is the founder and President of the Agricultural Defense Coalition. I regret now having discovered all this, as I was much happier (though concerned/confused about all my neurological observations above) not knowing all this stuff, as it has completely disrupted my life, but its my hope that maybe a cure will be found (by accident maybe) by perhaps someone who gets this. While the military bombs populated areas with microscopic pollution particles, the Environmental Protection Agency warns of health dangers from breathing such particles. The starfish looking things of multiple leg design remain a current fascination. I can now scarcely bring . For the next month everyone in the office, store clerks, etc. eric. Was it obvious something affected the look of the leaf?I noticed fairbanks between '03 and 06 had horrible looking leaves on the aspen type cotton woods. There have been bats dying, the loss of entire ladybug colonies, square-miles of oceans covered in an unknown fiberous organism similar to Morgellons, and now the mysterious loss of trees. My hopes for the future destroyed and the realization that everyone from here to Idaho has been infected with this heinous man made creation (type morgellons into you tube) has become a reality. A few days later I got what I was sure was poison ivy on my calves, though I had seen none where I was fishing, it lasted however for about a month, when usually it goes away in a week. I began spending hours every night and every weekend on the microscope looking at these bizarre growths. Blood should contain not much more than red and white blood cells. I made a wood frame 1313 in and took ultra clear packing tape and covered it completely stretching it across the opening. Required fields are marked *. The US Corporate government seeks to roll over its payments past the deadline. Just digging out a nice dry buger and soak in distilled water for about 5 min will give about the same results and theres always morg fibers in them. Find out how chemtrails adversely affect your health. HAARP -generated microwave pulses are continually used to heat and agitate the ionosphere. It would appear man has out-smarted himself, or this is the wrath we deserve for our apathy, or this is the start of the promised 80% population reduction recommended in U.N. documents with a twist. Waiting for the CDC to help is moot, theyre in the pocket of the insurance industry. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. prestodo youre an idiot. When scratching it, it bled easily and seems somewhat similar to the description given by Cliff Mickelson. It looks like solar burning or freezing, but it is actually chemtrail damage. And climatic archive data shows that visibility BELOW 10 miles is now a regular occurrence, in major contrast to the norm only four years ago. Yes. The skin photos clearly show a metallic sheen has built up in our skins, along with faint red splotches. Why are you being vague?? You said they settle to the ground. Then again youve made it apparent you have no ability to use logic and reason when making a conclusion. I noticed balls of glue stick that would appear, and removed them only to find them again in the same spot. Though the government has reserved the legal right to test stuff on us (usc 1520a) the states have a legal / moral / ethical obligation to protect us, I guess unless theyve been promised more tax dollars, protection, and or the antidote. Thefoliage of our treesis looking sick and damaged all over the US. I soon left for Idaho and the first three days there the visibility was good, and a small sheen around the sun meant I might have found a safer haven for my family to move. You may have looked up in the sky and seen white lines crisscrossing major cities at high altitude. One morning I woke up and couldnt remember the day, what time I was to go to work, etc. His Climatology Know-How < /a > Larger white spots on this one, like the type of plant than one! This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air. It is these observations and my continual observations of the sky that led me on this quest to see if there could be a connection. I had a lot of respect for this friend as we had worked well together in the past. Starlings fall from the sky without explanation: "The sky was raining starlings. These are just a few. I slowly regained much of my memory but it felt like I had to fight for it back. Stop the insanity. Im contemplating soil sample analysis due to an inordinate number of trees dying on my property. Congressman Louis T. McFadden 10 June 1932. I showed him my entire collection of weekly tests and told him of the morgellons fibers Id found in the water. Two-lined chestnut borer, another flatheaded borer, attacks beech family trees including chestnuts, oaks, and beeches. I started looking at the collected water with an old microscope in early April by drying about 30 drops on a microscope slide and saw immediately what appeared to be what Id seen coming from Morgellons patients on the web. Segmented silicone nano tubes and nano feathers (see Cliff Carnicoms photos and work), always Morgellons fibers etc. The IRS is not a U.S. Agency It is IMF property. Field workers are all getting this odd nose tickle (many with mustaches). There are satellite weapons involved. once or twice a week (at best). The Last Disaster, Galactic Center Discoveries, Sky Spray | S0 News Jun.3.2020 Suspicious0bservers, California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering., Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project, Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to Earths Surface: Human and Environmental Health Implications., No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101 [Chemtrails Exposed], 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. I discovered another thing growing, a square pliable (perhaps protein) crystal of some kind about 1/4 in square was growing. I realized that trees are dying in 2008 and after much reading and thought (and resistance), it became quite obvious to me that the only reason that fully explains the empirical evidence is air pollution. Radio talk show host Whitley Strieber recently carried on his web site an unconfirmed report that a group of former military officers used a private jet to obtain a sample of aerosol material being emitted by a military cargo aircraft. See all the above. Now, I We in NE Wisconsin have been experienceing this for several years now. How could God (or just your sense of fair play) forgive us for allowing such blatant travesty as above, he cant , he wont. You may have also noticed that they seem to stay up there for hours. This system can control the weather or create disasters. your ignorance and asshole treatment of people trying to stop the insanity. I dont have access to scientific grade distilled water however. All of them (its now in over 8,000 foods, click DORway for further info. How could a supposed operation of this proportion go on for decades and nobody pop out of the woodwork with indisputable proof that it is happening?? Whether this chemical burn look comes from the tree drinking I mentioned this observation to a co-worker and he told me his wife, an accountant for years, said she all of a sudden was having trouble with normal math during that same period and said he too had forgotten things more than usual. PAPER PACKAGING PRODUCTION; aletheia goddess symbol; what does xerox of a xerox mean I returned from Idaho and decided to continue my research, which has only gotten more bizarre, if thats possible. Why do you think crop dusters fly just feet above their intended crops? About three years ago I was showing my aerosol spraying photos and some others I had gleaned from the net to the owner of a video store where we rented videos. 1390 John Purvey,c. The conclusion: these fibers are everywhere. Its the beginning of the monsoon season here and Im quite certain judging now at how often sunlight can be seen streaking to the ground like sunlight through a window in a smoke filled room, that living here is much worse than in Phoenix in that all the pollution from below rises up here to form rain clouds. Anthracnose tends to not be a huge issue for ash trees. In 2006 almost no bugs grew on our windows that summer and few flies found their way inside, though we have no screen doors. Why patent tech you wont use? Non-electrolysis synthetic model organism: In the month of May I went fishing at Hawley lake on the reservation. Ezekiel Cheever,1757 Aaron Burr, Sr.,1767 Isaac Backus,1774 Samuel Langdon,1788 Benjamin Gale,1793 Samuel Hopkins,1794 Samuel Osgood,1794 William Linn-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn - Papacy-Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Beast from the sea - Rome-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of RomeBiblical Expositors of the Early Medieval Periodd. It popped I guess and created a bag of sorts. I have read highly classified briefings that give the reasoning behind chemtrails. Our government is pushing a carbon credit scheme to tax all users of fossil fuels and using chemtrails to increase global temperatures would feed this tax scheme. It states that barium can cause breathing difficulties, increased blood pressure, changes in heart rhythm, stomach irritation, muscles weakness, swelling of the brain, as well as damage to the liver, kidney, heart and spleen. On top of the metal particulates removed by me in our air, photographed in my blood and electrolyzed from my urine, we have plastic components (photo degrading at this very moment and present everywhere) of microscopic size, capable of geometric pattern regeneration and replicative / self survival behavior. Maybe the F-35 Program Guys are running it. With robust designs and vintage classic style, discover the heritage of military timepieces today! They are dangerous to our health and environment. Sometimes we disperse too much Dihydrogen Monoxide Agent and people get a slight overdose. This chemtrail type may also contain aluminum, although its "pasty" consistency may indicate that something else is present as well. Im in this now 900+ hours and $1,000 in equip. One plausible explanation of how the flat ribbon like fibers seem to grow even on glass is that these synthetic model organisms can assemble plastic components from the air, water or wherever present and use dc current as part of their assembly technique, or they are feeding off the silicone in the glass or both. No visible biology as we know it whatsoever. Metal particulates are strangling the roots of While chemtrails are mostly done using secret pods on large aircraft, I have been spraying chemtrails in fighters for over ten years now. The local governments know very well about the Chemtrails and what it is doing to the eco system and environment and how it is killing humans they won't do any testing because they already know the results my grass is suffering from the ill effects of their chemtrails I have little idea what they are doing to my body people want to remain ignorant of the truth at all costs and trying to make some ignorant people aware only brings you hate and ridicule because of people like this we all suffer because as long as people chose to remain wilfully ignorant of what goes on in life it puts us all in serious danger I don't know how people do it refuse to see the Truth in front of their faces my neighbors spend lots of money each year trying to keep our grass alive when it is a lost cause as long as this evil government keep poisoning the land by posioning the air and water but just try telling my neighbors about the Chemtrails causing the grass to die and they look at you like you are insane how do you ever wake braindead people up. Please be advised that this written work is theory. Not much out there on net, almost nothing to be exact. The amount of chemical that would be required to affect just a few square miles exceeds the capacities of most aircraft. None. 1412 John Huss,c. These crossed-energies can be used to cause a persons physical electrical system to fail or with a lower frequency, administer a kind of remote electro-shock. It popped I guess and created a bag of sorts. Maybe you should be concerned. The chemtrail conspiracy relies on a poor understanding of science. So dead grasses, dandelions, plants, weakened trees, beetles move in. Since I have lived here we have a large willow tree about 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Which by the way, has been hard to observe chem-trails because of heavy unusual cloud cover (with little rain-here anyway). Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. The US gov attempted to block disclosure of this information by using the Patriot Act. . Upcoming Events. I set up another testing station 300 miles away which yielded the same results. Did an EPA Official Collude with Monsanto by Tilting Research? the rain or from the rain falling onto the leaves, I cannot say. always after a couple of days of rain that they worsen and the leaves look as if they've been burnt. warming supposedly caused by too much co2, really impedes plants from absorbing co2. weakened. In Florida, once pines are stressed . No one loved Christmas more than I did. If that were really a thing, then whoever is behind it is wasting a lot of chemical. Oddly enough the more truth one seeks, the more truth ones sent, or at least thats my story. And dont say the government, because if you do, then which government, and what people in that government, what organizations, and where does its funding come from? I mean, it is such a warm, cuddly, romantic season. How many lab monkeys died eating aspartame (diet sugar)? In the last year however Ive observed and photographed an extraordinary sheen around the sun, which indicates a saturation level has been achieved, and the spraying now is infrequent by comparison I.E. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it excludes and displaces the background magnetic field. because I love all Gods creatures and understand its my duty to defend them at my own expense, not because its what God commands, because its the right thing to do!!!! Its what happens when water freezes and condenses at high altitude. The only way to treat a chemtrail overdose is to do the following: Feel better now? Chemtrails are a very common explanation, despite any evidence that they are actually occurring. Youll notice that jet routes crisscross over every major city, because thats where the navigation equipment lives (although GPS is modifying that slightly). Got a hit on your article, so thought I'd drop a comment. The chemtrail conspiracy relies on a poor understanding of science. Scalar energies can be utilized in hand-held military guns and on tanks. The picture above is of the apple tree in our back yard. It was said these fibers could grow on their own and created a myriad of symptoms from skin lesions to brain fog and memory has interviews with Morgellons patients and some doctors who are treating them). -. How many now after reviewing all the evidence above believe that global warming (and poisoning) is man made, well it is, and they are called pilots (your tax dollars again at work). Another recent revelation came from the article: Are microwaves killing our insects, birds ,frogs and us? The Morgellons syndrome could be more correctly labeled Synthetic Cloud Infection Syndrome. go to their gallery for many more photos of chemtrails and Morgellons specimens. Not only do they stick to it but will grow quite rapidly, the red ones in particular. to recover and about 3 months later a Doctor named Patricia Doyle called the Rense program with the same exact story (type in amnesiacs). PEOPLE are UNWILLING VICTIMS and our wildlife and natural world should not be seen as collateral damage! They also are using the chemtrails to spread viruses to cause a fair number of flu deaths. Gently squeeze the cover plate and seal with gluestick gun, leaving just enough air underneath for continued growth and observe. Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. Soil testing expensive? Just because these heinous acts are/were committed against others doesnt obviate your concern and/or intervention. This article was edited by Bridget Conroy and Mike Caraway. The only thing I can think of ubiquitous enough to do a widespread kill, would seem to be Geo-engineering. Or maybe someone hurt your feelings, sending you straight to your safe space and you dont know why? Trees are dying sure, but to count them or give each one a name..Come on? *Lighting a path to truth* Former Navy JAG Worldwide U.S. Military Defense. Scientists are coming out of the shadows because of the serious oberservations they are witnessing. A file photo of a forested area in Lake Tahoe. They can dud-out electronics or cause large, electrical blackouts. Morse, scientist, inventor, American P War and Emergency Powers Acts, Executive Order More Congressional Proofs of Constitutional Subver Council Foreign Relations manages puppets for Rome. Reproduction of this work is encouraged, for non-profit, educational purposes only. Now theres no bats, few bugs and a few humming birds (2007). 7, How many eating some common puffed breakfast cereals and water? The air will not hold any humidity at these temperatures. It remains an observation that perhaps light wave tech. This would explain the DNA of insects and plants that have been isolated in infected humans. Dead trees burn more readily than healthy trees and greatly contribute to the California wildfires. 1331 Michael of Cesena,c. Chemtrails and the illness that invariably accompanies heavy spray campaigns. You can find out more by emailing [emailprotected] or [emailprotected]. I think years of contrails, and the more recent years of chemtrails has caused this reaction, and our trees are dying from it.
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