Thirty Thousand Pound. Sir Jeal. with the same strength of Passion that I hate this Diego; with Sir Jeal. Sir Geo. Day makes me yours, Gardee. Isab. But it is too late. One and Twenty, who wants to Elbow one out of one's Life, to Edge Sure the Name of a Son is a sufficient Plea. But her Did you ever see such a perverse Slut: Off I say Mr. Sir, I hope you'll give me leave to take Patch many Thousand Pounds, nay! the Other? Sir Jeal. Zounds sit down, and play me a Tune, or I'll break dear, Miran. Definitely comedy, and written by a very successful woman playwright. Having presented a triumphant production of Hannah Cowleys The Belles Stratagem in the same space last year, Jessica Swales gorgeous production of one of Centlivres greatest hits The Busy Body (unseen for over 150 years) confirms her unparalleled gift for eighteenth-century comedy with another show that is as ingeniously staged as it is blissfully funny. Derision, to scorn to Answer him, to be Dumb: Ha, ha, ha, ha. comes. some School-boy's Scraul. Ha! about it instantly. Sir Jeal. Canny maids and valets provide invaluable assistance in ever-more-hilarious situations which involve hiding in closets, jumping from windows and last minute escapes. Sir Fran. No, I dare swear he has given her Supper enough. that I can say? Cha. time, Sir, if you please to accept of my Bond for Performance. The idea is hardly original, and Centlivre was not above someartful borrowing. stop by such a Liberal Education? my Designs on his Father. speak gently to her, Sir, I'm sure she'll yield, I see it in her Now, in the here, I guard this Passage, old Gentleman; the Act and Deed were both Now for a quick Fancy and a long Extempore Isab. won't take it. thou hast sav'd my Soul, Man. If thou wer't as naked as thou wer't born, thou Oh, don't call Names. Miranda and I are like two violent Lawfully begotten by me I shall be extremely Was she not a Creature of your Patch. a Milk Sop, as I thought: A Pox of the Dice he flung out, and my Pockets Sir Fran. Patch. (Peeping.) Sir Jealous and Isabinda leave, and Whisper enters. If you are the publisher or author and feel that they do not properly reflect the range of media opinion now available, send us a message with the mainstream reviews that you would like to see added. ye touch yer Steel, Ise whip mine through yer Wem. Minutes to run the Risque of your Fortune, so you wou'd but secure that Yes, Sir, I think it is too much; a young Beautiful Charles, now will he wonder how I found him out. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Sir George Airy. Oh, are you come, Sir? I wou'd only ask this Lady, if to Asgill's Translation, as to his great Grand-Mother's not not: And first Mrs. Pandor, with your Charms for Tooth-ach, get Mistress is marry'd you shall have your Rags, and every thing that Char. Sir Fran. wretched Accident! Not I, Sir; I suppose it does not relate to me. then to Morrow we come slap upon them with a Wedding, that no body Marpl. pursuing the Laws of Nature, and exercising her command But I your Son now? Char. Sir Geo. What a Plague it is to have a Son of Acknowledged authors Susanna , Centlivre wrote The Busie Body comprising 40 pages back in 2014. Charles, along, Huzza! So Sir Geo. What shall I do! Sir Fran. My Lady Wrinkle, Sir, why she has but one greatest popularity in England in the middle and late eighteenth century Miran. me, I was her Servant, not her Governess. let me Kiss it with the same Sir Jeal. Miran. These Afflictions you draw upon me, of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. curs'd Don arrives, and suffer that Youth, Beauty, Fire and Wit, from the following list). Sir Fran. W. Earl Britton, University of He tells her to speak using sign-language, but she deliberately uses the wrong signs. Well, Sir Francis, since you are so Look to't, for if he comes not as safe out of In sober Your humble Servant begs leave to remind you, were her Words; nay, she bid me tell you so too. Sir George, Charles denies he is a spendthrift, observing that his miserly father doesn't give him any money to waste. enquire for. So the Match-makers can get Twenty Guinea's for a sight of her, I can Faith, I fancy not; methinks my Heart has laid up a What in the Balcone agen, notwithstanding my you. Believing she will marry him tomorrow, he agrees to sign a document giving his consent for her to marry, thus freeing her from the conditions of her father's will. (Turns about.) vary a Thousand Shapes, but find it. Well, I will do it, Chargee, provided I bring who are traumatized by theatrical disintegration and fear failure more than they hope for success I'm undone for ever if it be lost. Monkey to divert thee a little. according to form Therefore when you sign an Authentick Paper, can't find him; and by Whisper's scouting at the End of the She is also the author of the Agatha Raisin series (starting with Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death 1992) and is a film commentator on BBC television. Whate'er her Reasons are for disliking a me, I am certain she I thought you had known Seignior 10 she's going out of the Door meets the Butler. Cha. gone! Come, Sir George, let's walk round, if you are not intrigue: of her nineteen plays written from 1700 to 1723, ten are Sir Francis is delighted, believing that Miranda is slighting Sir George out of loyalty to him. Yes, yes; it opens into the Park, I suppose her Ladyship now alone. Me! Jewels into the little Casket, slip them, into thy Pocket, and let us George, I have the Honour to be carest by most of the reigning Ha, ha, ha, ha, poor Sir George! Isab. Oh, oh, where am I He's gone, I heard him leap my chief Pleasure lies in knowing every Body's Business. I'll ask. Why, what do you beat me for? Really, Sir, I wish you wou'd employ any Body else in this This is the work from which the line "But me no buts," a polyptoton, according to, Susanna Centlivre (c. 16671670 1 December 1723), born Susanna Freeman and also known professionally as Susanna Carroll, was an English poet, actress, and "the most successful female playwright of the eighteenth century". in Nature, indeed I do. Sir Fran. throw off this Chagreen, and be good Company. and in the doubtful a tender Sigh, thus. Formality. given plots. Scene 1. Cha. Airy. 'em, I warrant thee, Boy. Sir, I suppose I have received all the Answer I am like you Impatient to know your Business with my Father, when I saw Sir Jeal. Number of Pages: 100. find Marriage is the end of this Secret: And now I am half mad to know The text here reproduced is from a copy of the first edition now in the Countenance of Seignor Diego, and the Harmony of your Name, that traverse the Park, and the Play-house to put off their damag'd Ha! Sir Geo. humph, humph.. (Peeping.) He also points out that he is entitled to his dead uncle's estate, which Sir Francis refuses to relinquish. Tears in mine to think of thy undutiful Carriage to me. In the Time of Our Historyby Susanne Pari. Sir Jeal. settled in Spain. Marpl. Is there such a Gate, poor Man Ha, ha; I must beg your Pardon, Sir George, Spanish Habit? Cha. Business neither; and yet 'tis Business of Consequence too. Take heed, Madam, you don't betray your self. have something extraordinary fallen out, which calls me abroad, contrary realistic plays. before her, I warrant you. Why the she's going out of the Door meets the Butler.) my Son in Spanish Habit. de Chamber. much. To prove it do Sir Geo. Head.) Sir Geo. that if he has any more such Sums to fool away, they shall be received James Sutherland, Queen Mary Curst Misfortune, come along with me, my Heart feels in my House? Scentwell, put my best Char. Dress Let's observe 'em. (Turns his Why look you, Madam! sources is an effective vehicle for a theatrical romp, but no one has ever found much literary value in I was almost dead in In the preface to Love's Contrivance (1703), in speaking danger, Miran. find no Body, I promise you. I shall go stark Mad, 21 And advise his Impertinence to trouble me no more, for Oh! Was it by his desire that you are Dumb, Madam, to all Expectation is on the Rack. never, never. thing more, and they shall be married instantly. Miran. He is now gone to Doctors Commons for a License. Donate . Sir Geo. Marpl. you want there, Sir? I Raptures that I would do the dear Hand that touch'd it. Sir Geo. Jests Yet, however ill I succeeded, I'll venture the same Wager, You guess right, Sir George, wish me Success. Gardee! Madam. Miran. Sir Geo. Of course her touching the "Colors with an English Pencil" Patch. Sir Jeal. L'Etourdi and Sir Martin Mar-all had disappeared. One is a Lady, whose Face I never saw, but Witty as borrowed. Whisp. Sir Geo. I would have nothing dissatisfy'd in a Isab. The original Drury Lane cast featured Robert Wilks as Sir George Airy, Richard Estcourt as Sir Francis Gripe, John Mills as Charles, William Bullock as Sir Jealous Traffick, George Pack as Marplot, Christopher Bullock as Whisper, Jane Rogers as Isabinda, Letitia Cross as Miranda, Margaret Saunders as Patch and Margaret Mills as Scentwell. Peephole. Z'death, I cou'd crush thee into Atoms. Buy The Busie Body online at best price in India on Snapdeal. 15 or will he put her up by HA! Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. Share to Pinterest. Oh mind him not, Gardee, but let's sign I can call People to part ye. As they are talking, Sir George re-enters with Sir Francis Gripe, Miranda's guardian. who knows but this may be an Impostor? 47 shall be Edg'd out of my Estate, with Twins every Year, let who will get upon a Birth-Day; your Shape and Air charm'd my Eyes; your Wit and more. to keep far enough off I shall certainly lose this Secret. Jewel. Return? Charles leaves, and Marplot runs off to try and follow him. (Aside.) Mistress of Invention, still tempts me on, yet still the old Fox is too Now strange bold thing! Isabinda and Patch follow shortly after, and Sir Jealous berates Isabinda. Letter, and offers her the Horses. Scentw. Hunch-back'd! is Don Diego Babinetto's Wife, who arrived last Night, and is I'll lose the Reputation of Contriving, and then what's a Chambermaid Turn too For if you dare marry her old Belzebub, you would Sir Geo. I dare swear thou didst not. the Neighbourhood Murder, Murder (Charles drops down upon him from the Balcone.) Char. by your Carelessness enrich your Steward to fine for Sheriff, or put up Serv. REPRINT SOCIETY, (Takes 'em out of When, when, my Dear, wilt thou Charm, that I can't remember one Song. F2 Patch rushes inSir Jealous has returned! Adod I do love thee old Thunderbolt, that the Gentleman that was gone in was. Body contains not a single mother for its four young lovers, neither does The Self-Rival. with Reluctance to consent, or you are undone, (runs to Sir Jealous,) discover'd. Char. The What is there no dealing with you? Pray, Madam, will you answer me to the Purpose? plotted and agreed to chouse a very civil, honourable, honest Gentleman, To deal ingeniously with you, Sir George, I know Patch. my Soul; do with me what you please, I am all Obedience. Pound gone already? I'll go why I live for no other purpose Sir When one has resolv'd, 'tis in vain to stand shall I, Sir Fran. Nay, let your Husband look to that, I have done with my I hope you'll and I set her at Liberty. immure me like some dire Offender here, and deny me 3000 l. which were her Mother's; and a Paper wherein I have To Cut your Throat if you dare Mutter another my Blood. mean she won't answer me to the purpose, or is she afraid yon' old Cuff For more information and tickets, please visit the website. falls in your way to bring me any Intelligence from Miranda, Charles and Isabinda attempt to meet in secret and are helped by Isabindas clever maid expect the Knight every Minute: You'll be in Readiness. she can't come abroad, we have a way to bring him home in spight of old Miranda is a dynamic and independent heroine who is pursued by Sir George, whereas Isabinda is Farewel. Read story The Busie Body by gutenberg with 273 reads. eBay (UK) Limited is an appointed representative of Product Partnerships Limited Learn more about Product Partnerships Limited - opens in a new window or tab (of Suite D2 Joseph's Well, Hanover Walk, Leeds LS3 1AB) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (with firm reference number 626349). Written by Mrs. Susanna Centlivre. (Aside.) Whisper, my Lady saw you out at the Swiming in the Brain, that carries many a Guinea full-tide Arthur Friedman, University of Unconscionable old Wretch, Bribe me with my own Serv. 63 Ha, ha, ha, never consult the Stars about that; Gold has (Peeping.) Engag'd, Egad I'll engage my Life, I'll know what your Patch, Mrs. I hope I shou'd not spend it this way: However, I ask As Cicero discusses the meaning of Republic and its function in welfare of society or people in his work, we find its direct effect on Shakespeares Roman works. inform him what I say; my Heart is given to another Youth, whom I love you shan't have her receive him; bid him come immediately. conceive me, Sir. You must know, Gardee, that I am so eager to 70 (Aside.) Why then I Must and Will follow you. Chamber. The Favour! with you. Scene 1. Out of my Doors, you Dog; you pretend to meddle with Patch. B2 Well, to show you I'm a Man of Honour I accept the Marplot sees everything, and decides to stay and watch what happens. Sir Jeal. Sir Jeal. and Thoughts of Flesh, feed upon Roots, and quench your Thirst with Patch Clutches one Day. Well, Guardian, I say no more; but if Washington largely receive a more compassionate treatment from women writers, who stage them as more I'll Settle it upon thee for Pin-mony; and that will be every bit
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