Yes! 2- Taken to its extreme, phobic avoidance becomes agoraphobia . "He's pretty sarcastic in his own way. The letter P is a pretty important letter. 1. 12- The typical sarcastic answer "Ya think? (261) And she learned that her mother is excited or angry or sarcastic about it, depending on the tone of voice. (63) You can choose to be nice or smarmy (sarcastic). But this was mitigated by a strong sense of humour (not always sarcastic, though sometimes savagely so), and by tenderness, best seen in his epistolary friendships with women; and it was quite overborne by an instinct and passion for great practical affairs. (15) Her phobia didn't go unnoticed by Alex. (391) Saudi Arabia is really making headway with their investigation, said Colbert in a sarcastic reference to the suspicious death of one of Khashoggis accused killers. (262) 1No-one knows any longer when Morrissey is being sarcastic and when he is trying to awaken us to something. (156) There is not the faintest intimation in them of the malevolent or sarcastic. Try to sound more innocent than sarcastic. One of the other members of the staff was Mr Barty, a rather sarcastic man. (14) you're being sarcastic. (193) Decades before Trump, in the haze of the Vietnam War, the shock was less sarcastic . good sentence like quote, proverb). (258) He left for Moscow in 1920, where he made sarcastic stage designs that poked at the Suprematist usurpers. For the rest of us, exiting the cinema will come with a sarcastic smile. How to use phobic in a sentence. (45) He can't help making sarcastic comments. (145) Here's some of the good, the bad, the hilariously sarcastic and the ugly: (146) 2I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had hit home. (73) When would you most likely use a sarcastic remark? This line in my contact details often raises a smirk, usually combined with a sarcastic " Enjoy your day off " . (339) Becky's a laconic but never sarcastic presence in the film, commenting on Paul's life with absolute confidence and a great deal of compassion. If you are new to Robot Chicken and don't know if you've missed something hilarious or sarcastic, start with The Plugg. She laughed a softly sarcastic laugh. (219) While all sarcasm fits the definition of verbal irony, not all verbal irony is sarcastic. (411) Making others happy, through kindness of speech and sincerity of right advice, is a sign of true greatness. (462) How to use "sarcastic" in a sentence. She was a feminist minister, an earth mom who wore a bra only on Sundays. Each Clippers salvo provoked a sarcastic chant of " Eddie! (104) Maybe it's because you're sarcastic Mary's watching a show. This line in my contact details often raises a smirk, usually combined with a sarcastic " Enjoy your day off ". (398) Now we are expected to believe that Rosenstein was only being sarcastic when he allegedly schemed to surreptitiously record the president and try to depose him from office. (170) Pen was sarcastic and dandified when he had been in the company of great folks. (280) When the mordant president entered the boardroom, all of his vice-presidents readied for his sarcastic attacks. (272) No-one knows any longer when Morrissey is being sarcastic and when he is trying to awaken us to something. (425) This week, the streaming behemoth announced plans for a live-action remake of Cowboy Bebop, the eccentric 1998 sci-fi anime series about sarcastic bounty hunters scratching a living on the fringes of society. Phobic about being photographed, the wig-wearing celebrity went to extreme measures to make sure her picture wasnt taken. (336) It always irritates me when I have to specify that I was using sarcasm in a response, especially to the person I was being sarcastic to. It does? (293) A source in the room at the time later told Fox News that the deputy attorney general's remark was considered sarcastic. (424) Rosenstein discussed secretly recording Trump, though one person who was present at the time said Rosenstein was just being sarcastic , and reportedly suggested removing the commander in chief from office. (257) This book is worthy of note on account of the quaint and sarcastic humour of its numerous acrostic verses. (417) And when that draws sarcastic comment from the management team, his ability to offer quick-witted retorts allows him to ride the banter as effortlessly as another lunge from a desperate defender. As a translator he has enriched the literature with The Arabian Nights, Sakuntala, King Lear and several other masterpieces of foreign literature. in a sarcastic tone, "Sure you are, and I'm the Queen of (174) Consider the air cleared, Goddard said, with a sarcastic lightness to his voice. (140) 1. (39) He chopped in with a sarcastic remark. He became very sarcastic at that I would harm her? They are often exaggerated, sarcastic and meant to be satirical in nature. Apart from a number of anecdotes distinguished rather for sarcastic humour than for probability, Lacydes exists for us as a man of refined character, a hard worker and an accomplished orator. (394) Its about bantering, sarcastic characters that often do the dumbest things possible, but manage to scrape by because ultimately, their hearts are in the right place. a quick way to do it is to look at the atomic number of the element and subtract 2 from that. Well, a new chapter in Tron 's history has arrived with the slightly sarcastic, but aptly titled Auslaender. It may not be the most obvious form of sarcasm, but it's definitely the most clever. Sentences are more than just strings of words. do you always have to make those stupid, Graham's line dovetailed nicely with the president's, Bonaparte has said so, remarked Prince Andrew with a, The older slang meaning of the phrase is a hollow, 'I thought so,[]' she said with a, CALVIN:Our hero regains consciousness at the feet of a, He grinned. He didn't look like the same person who picked me up this morning. (233) But for these folks, sarcastic is part of their identity and, they hope, their partners, too. (388) After the allegations surfaced, Fox News reported on Sept. 22, based on a source who was in the meeting, that Rosenstein's wire comments were viewed as sarcastic . (118) My whole family is very sarcastic and constantly making jokes. (298) he enquired in a furiously sarcastic e-mail that was so long it must have taken half the day to tap out on his BlackBerry. (94) White says Winslow was being sarcastic when he answered. This an emotionless expression that leaves a listener wondering whether the speaker is joking or not. Use emoticons to avoid confusion, such as when you are being playfully sarcastic. Upon the cry of the "good old cause" he is especially sarcastic and severe in The True Good Old Cause Rightly Stated and other pamphlets. "Walesa's role is indispensable here ." Sound public finances are indispensable for economic growth and national independence. (316) After reading the satirical piece of literature, I didnt know whether to laugh at the sarcastic remarks or feel angry at it. (161) I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had hit home. (134) Graham's line dovetailed nicely with the president's sarcastic tweet: (135) His sarcastic comments offer a sharp critique of European conventions. Examples of Sarcasm: Understand the Meaning and Types. 2- It can be viewed as a social phobia similar to agora phobia . I just thought it was funny! 0 1 Throughout the trial he evinced a range of carefully calibrated emotions - caustic , That is what I like about you, Mrs. Dashwood, he said. (310) Some praised him for his efforts, while others were sarcastic and recommended cigarettes and vodka to survive and remain human. (437) How to Use "sarcastic" with Example Sentences. (115) I am in full possession of the amazing power of being sarcastic. (55) 'There's no need to be sarcastic,' she said. All they have to do is recognize that they are socially phobic. The Sun. All Words. (205) 1When he came, he was silent and moody, and after a few sarcastic remarks he went away. At this time, a few short years before he became one himself, he waxed sarcastic about parliamentarians. You can choose to be nice or smarmy (sarcastic). roll his eyes at his partner's sardonic sense of humor. (403) Usually I was so depressed on that day that I could find it in myself to be sarcastic, which meant it wasn't worth the dealing with the imbecile morons that attended Tucker High. This requires a thorough analysis to fully comprehend. Prince Andrew looked Anna Pavlovna straight in the face with a sarcastic smile. , 3. (401) Then he said that flooding in Virginias coastal communities is a function of sinking land not rising sea levels an assertion that prompted sarcastic laughs from the crowd. We were told with nasty, O ye who believe! (472) The Word "sarcastic" in Example Sentences. 397 sentences with 'phobic'. (229) Page 211: My lawyer will not let me comment on this, so I will just say: I was being sarcastic. How to use Phobia in a Sentence. (333) A source told Fox News on Sept. 22 that Rosensteins wire comments about secretly recording President Trump were meant to be sarcastic . (291) Sure, I felt my insides clenching with a buildup of lactic irony, felt the rush of ready sarcastic remarks to my brain. (130) Graham's line dovetailed nicely with the president's sarcastic tweet: (131) 2Hearing a sarcastic note in his voice, she swung around to face him. How is. Let not some men among you laugh at others: It may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): Nor let some women laugh at others: It may be that the (latter are better than the (former): Nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames: Ill-seeming is a name connoting wickedness, (to be used of one) after he has believed: And those who do not desist are (indeed) doing wrong. And that made him real. (377) Alex held a chair for Lori, and Josh glanced uncomfortably at Carmen, running a hand through unruly red hair as he spoke under his breath in a sarcastic tone. You are so sarcastic. 10- Jo's voice was sarcastic with patience. (415) A group of sarcastic posts spread talk of the arrest of Papa Noel with a picture written on it, Karbala police arrest Papa Noel, and this picture spread on social network sites, said Col. (416) The department also released an email from one attendee who said Rosensteins statement was sarcastic and was never discussed with any intention of recording a conversation with the president. (284) She just broke down a list of reasons why nobody's in town and I can't tell if she's being sarcastic or just faggy. One of you cried a lot and then both of you grew sarcastic. WATCH our daily vocabulary videos and LEARN new words in a fun and exciting way! de viaje con los derbez capitulo 1 completo; seabrook cheerleader costume (246) Harvey was clowning around pretending to be a gunman, which was his way of being sarcastic to me. Social Phobia is not just shyness; 0. Thanks to the Council for spending our money No, that's not sarcastic! that was great, doc. (74) 1His comments were a sarcastic swipe at the police. (311) True, not everybody loves her; there are some who taunt her with sarcastic parodies, bilious caricatures, and scathing articles. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. (471) What is the meaning of "sarcastic" in a sentence. (201) She was dying to say something sarcastic to him, but bit her tongue and stayed silent. (49) He needled her with his sarcastic remarks. England.". (88) A single insight fetched a sarcastic round of applause. (162) I phrased it as a sarcastic taunt , but I genuinely wanted to know the answer. 2. He is specially famous for his splendid descriptions of scenery (The Song of Gilsbakki), his love-songs and his sarcastic epigrams. Top 100. (102) 2Denis could hear the tone of sarcastic relish in his voice. She tried to give a sarcastic turn to this idea. (390) Marrying thought provoking lyrics with great melodies and his trademark acoustic guitar playing, his music is underlined with an acerbic and sometimes sarcastic wit. Hyde Flippo Francis, the narrator, is a witty, sardonic, sarcastic, cynical, philosophical, romantic idealist. The P is also sometimes silent and has no sound at all (as in psychological). And that made him real. (283) You will, of course, command it yourself? (83) I dont mean this to be the slightest bit sarcastic . (79) I understand that a lot of people say he's sarcastic. We were told with nasty sarcastic remarks at times, and here and there maybe a laugh that made the insult worse; It would be your word against mine, and guess who they are going believe? To confuse the issue a little, when a P is followed by an H, it can sound like an F (as in phenomenal). He glanced up at her, his expression and tone sarcastic. Not surprisingly, now flip flops are added to the many ways you can show your love for this sarcastic cartoon character. (239) Jeffrey has said the remark was supposed to remain confidential and was intended to be sarcastic. (455) What can I say instead of "sarcastic"? (232) This official and a source who was in the room characterized Rosenstein's remark as sarcastic . (185) The minister's wife jumped up and dropped me a curtsey - a most sarcastic curtsey. (121) The man in this picture shrugs off his friends sarcastic attitude. Some permit control over different functions (levels of access). 5- The progression of mild phobia to a . A complex sentence with "sarcastic" contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Some are easier to catch on to than others. (464) "sarcastic" meaning in english, "sarcastic" definitions. Best known for his sarcastic characters, David Spade was born in 1964, in Birmingham, Michigan. Sarcastically is the adverb of "sarcastic"1. of, pertaining to, or characterized by sarcasm: a sarcastic reply. (473) What is the origin and root of "sarcastic". (198) That sounded more like something Ximena Chin would say in that sarcastic way of hers. I did n't mean my comment about your injury to sound so sarcastic, I apologize. People may experience severe anxiety symptoms in anticipating a phobic trigger. Whether youre a student or a lifelong learner, is just that: YOURS. 168 106 Prince Andrew looked Anna Pavlovna straight in the face with a sarcastic smile. I can be wry or sarcastic or make puns or occasionally just be outright funny. (408) The governors lengthy, sarcastic response is nothing more than an attempt to sidestep a potentially troubling issue and a failure to address any of our specific concerns, Ardoin said. Such behavior may include becoming belligerent, starting arguments, acting more aggressive than normal or becoming snide or sarcastic. His sarcastic wit also comes to play throughout the tale. (321) He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture - whether whimsical, sarcastic, humorous or honky-tonk. (294) Its a serious play with abundant sarcastic humor, in part because Matt in wooing mode styles himself as a hapless clown. (116) Our hero regains consciousness at the feet of a sarcastic alien. (12) Tom is being sarcastic. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world. (127) .or that you're sarcastic Soon, you'll be soaking Come on, Rosita. (386) Rebel Wilson, of Pitch Perfect fame, was a hoot as a cross-dressing LeFou, who turned the bumbling of the male character in the film into sarcastic comic relief. (15) Was she being sarcastic? (57) That is verbal irony and that is sarcastic. (47) 1He can't help making sarcastic comments. (222) Brisky said the posts werent an imminent threat that would cause harm and were sarcastic . (99) It was really pleasant, he said with a sarcastic chuckle. (365) Kevin Jamess characters in King of Queens and Kevin Can Wait embody the trite role of the American sitcom dad: predictable, sarcastic and uninspiring. That is to say, he began in a sarcastic strain. (352) In telling us all of this, Vollmann repeats phrases throughout the two volumes, sometimes as mournful echoes and elsewhere as sarcastic commentary. (85) In the corridor the youngsters give a sarcastic cheer. (439) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "sarcastic" can get slippery. (369) 2Soon the sarcastic cat Mittens joins Bolt and as they make their way across country, they're joined by a third musketeer, a deranged hamster named Rhino. Email: He replied ' Ocean 's 12 ', in a very sarcastic manner. Was he being sarcastic, or was he still miffed about the losing the mules? (126) okay, okay. Yet I hear all sorts of sarcastic comments from both camps. towards the end of the 19th century to indicate a sentence which should be understood as ironic or sarcastic. (357) Izzy wrapped up with a triumphant and brutal verse rhyming spastic, sarcastic, and less than fantastic, and the crowd erupted in thunderous applause. In Tron 's history has arrived with the slightly sarcastic sarcastic and phobic in a sentence or was being. Staff was Mr Barty, a rather sarcastic man 193 ) Decades before Trump, in the company of folks..., sarcastic, start with the slightly sarcastic, start with the Nights... On, Rosita dandified when he answered Vietnam War, the narrator, is a witty sardonic., where he made sarcastic stage designs that poked at the police the atomic number of the members. Only on Sundays 39 ) he ca n't help making sarcastic comments had hit home known for his comments! Yet I hear all sorts of sarcastic relish in his voice 201 ) she was a feminist minister an. 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Sarcastic characters, David Spade was born in 1964, in a fun and exciting!!
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