Skywalker then fired the proton torpedo which destroyed the Death Star, scoring a major victory for the Rebellion. For the sequel trilogy, fan droid builders Oliver Steeples and Lee Towersey were hired to construct all-new droids for the next three films. [19], A year after the end of the Clone Wars, R2-D2 served Captain Raymus Antilles. I'm just curious because he seems to kill alot of them. In response, R2-D2 whipped out his electro-shock prod, but did not use it as C-3PO ordered him to apologize. [85], While R2's systems rebooted, Luke fought Boba Fett, a bounty hunter sent by Darth Vader to capture Luke and bring him to the Dark Lordalthough it was unknown to both Luke and Artoo at the time. [17], Skywalker's former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, initially overlooked R2 as a mere droid, not understanding how Skywalker could care for the unit as much as he did. Chronological and political information Despite his pessimistic assessment, Skywalker and Solo were safely recovered by a snowspeeder patrol the following day.[105]. During his captivity, R2-D2 had managed to broadcast an emergency transmission to Skywalker, who traveled to Skytop Station and rescued him. However, Skywalker was distracted by a vision of his friend Han, Leia, and Chewbacca being tortured in a "city in the clouds." The future of the Rebellion rested in his memory bank as he delivered Leia Organas message to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Death Star plans to the Rebellion so it could find the super weapons weaknesses and destroy it. With only three casualties, Artoos kill count in The Clone Wars Season Four was tame compared to other seasons. Watch their music videos complete with lyrics, song meanings and biographies. Miraluka Species | Star Wars: The Old Republic. R2-D2 fires a syringe from a body compartment. Michelle Jaworski is a staff writer and TV/film critic at the Daily Dot. During the battle, Skywalker's starfighter was attacked by buzz droids. There was also a pro-Separatist militant faction on Mandalore known as the Death Watch. However, Senator Amidala learned of Palpatine's plan and arranged a meeting with Skywalker and Kenobi. . The droid's work led to the arrest of Clone Sergeant Slick, who was identified as the traitor. Han ordered everyone on board, they were going to walk right out of the factory. [80], When Covis intercepted transmissions between the singer Tace and her sister, Tula, who was stationed aboard an Imperial cruiser, Jora thought that Leia and her group were Imperial spies and tried to apprehend them. Free Greyhound Form Guide | Today | Our detailed greyhound racing form are the ultimate guide to today's greyhound racing form guide for Australia and New Zealand.Racing and Spo R2-D2 was equipped with rocket boosters in his legs. Anthony Daniels takes the stage at SWCA 2022 | Star Wars Celebration LIVE! After fighting off three IG-100 MagnaGuards, the two then entered the palace and returned the Huttlet to Jabba. Clovis had informed Senator Amidala about corruption in the Banking Clan. R2-D2 R2-D2 met Grogu before the three departed from the cruiser. Production information Sensing that Palpatine was a Sith, the Zillo Beast made its way to the Galactic Senate building. Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, R2-D2 accompanied Skywalker and Master Kenobi who had both been promoted to the position of Jedi General during the defense of the planet Christophsis against a besieging Separatist army led by Admiral Trench. The Big Hay-Zu - Died when C-3PO made R2-D2 crush him. Artoo managed to hide in a dark alley but surrendered himself after learning that Bane planned to dismantle Threepio. R2 went to work with his flashlight to locate anything Kenobi may have left to aid Luke in his journey to learn the Jedi way. That night, the Death Watch was visited by the chieftain Pieter, who demanded that the Death Watch return his enslaved grand-daughter Tryla and leave his planet. R2-D2 attempted to access the power socket, but was blasted by enemy fire, causing him to short-circuit. While exploring the bridge of the stricken Star Destroyer, the Jedi and droids came across the bodies of dead clone troopers who had been executed, rather than killed by the impact of the crash. Skywalker held on to R2-D2 as they rocketed away from the monster. This allows us to bring you the most interesting, entertaining, and unique entertainment experiences, covering theme parks, movies, TV, video games, special events and so much more. But from a certain point of view, R2-D2 is also one of the deadlier killers that the Republic (and later the Rebellion and the Resistance) has to offerand this is in. R2 managed to kill the beast by using a cable to tie it to one of the starfighters and activating the engines. However, they were ambushed by a super tactical droid who led several battle droid reinforcements. Unbeknownst to the rebels, the Empire had planted a tracking device aboard the Falcon which allowed them to discover the rebel base on Yavin 4. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! That was until he eventually moved on to work in the same battalion as Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker during the dissolution of the Galactic Republic. R2-D2 responded with a chirping noise before moving his attention back to Ryoo. Han asked Aggadeen where the main power core was, but the proud Imperial officer refused to answer until R2-D2 threatened to electrocute him too. Similar to Hux, most of these kills came about as a result of various attack orders Nihilus gave to the Miralukas species on their planet. Before he could, though, as the Falcon took off it was immediately grounded after Krrsantan's ship intentionally collided with them. Those individuals were two Vulture Droids and The Big Hay-Zu. R2-D2 informing Bail Organa about the Spectres. Princess Leia Organa giving R2-D2 the plans to the Death Star. Skywalker was rescued by Republic forces but Artoo was recovered by the Trandoshan scavenger Gha Nachkt, who sold him to General Grievous. R2-D2 continued to aid the Resistance alongside his longtime counterpart C-3PO throughout the First Order-Resistance War, culminating in a decisive victory at the Battle of Exegol, in which he was an active participant. Despite being unresponsive, his longtime companion C-3PO still talked and fussed over him on a regular basis, and even found ways to argue with him. Palpatine by this time only has one kill of plagueis as he's cooking up the clone wars. Leia ordered the wookiee to kill Vader using his bowcaster. Luke wondered aloud how he had done it, before asking R2-D2 to lead them back to the X-wing, for he was still unable to see. Later, R2-D2 and his companions traveled to the spaceport of Mos Eisley with the intention of finding passage to Alderaan. In the official Star Wars comic (which takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back), R2-D2 sets off by himself to save C-3PO from the Empire. Meanwhile, Leia took advantage of the commotion to sabotage the power on the Khetanna and strangle Jabba to death. Its a task that R2-D2based on his build and programmingshould have never been able to accomplish; his attachment to C-3PO, as much as he complains about him, is also seen as unhealthy for a droid. Senator Bail Organa sent R2-D2 and his counterpart, C-3PO to escort the Imperial Minister Maketh Tua and the Aqualish arms dealer Amda Wabo to the planet Garel. Tons of TV. Since he had not received a memory wipe, R2-D2 recognized his old friend and told her that he and the pilots were working for a senator who wanted to meet her. Skywalker's spouse Senator Amidala had traveled to Scipio on a mercy mission to secure funds from the InterGalactic Banking Clan to aid refugees displaced by the Clone Wars. R2-D2s real show of force is seen several decades later as he sets off on a rescue mission to save, of all droids, C-3PO. R2-D2 managed to repair the hyperdrive in the nick of time and the Falcon was able to flee into hyperspace and rejoin the Rebel fleet. After fighting off their pursuers, they managed to escape aboard their ship and head offworld. He carried technical readouts vital to its destruction. During the pursuit, the Tantive IV was crippled by a laser blast from Vader's ship and Imperial stormtroopers boarded the vessel. Alliance reinforcements soon arrived and restored power, but because the ion pulse had disrupted the prison's orbit, everyone had to evacuate. Upon landing, R2-D2 reunited with C-3PO while Leia chatted with Han, Luke, and Chewbacca. But then, Minister Tua recognized Chopper from the shuttle ride to Garel and ordered her stormtrooper guards to hurry to Bay 7. Chewbacca survived Vader's attack and returned to the Falcon, and was preparing to bring it in and extract the team. (52 BBY - ???) This enabled R2 to infiltrate the prison complex and flee General Kenobi and his team who had been captured. The Jedi Council dispatched a task force of four warships led by Master Plo Koon to rescue Skywalker and Kenobi's rescue team. Cut to the race, and Jet Venim and TAY-O are in the lead. Finally, in the official comic, Star Wars 39, Artoo annihilated approximately forty-three stormtroopers, two stormtrooper guards, and an Imperial Engineer, bringing the count to around forty-four. Nomi Sunrider. R2-D2 accompanied his masters back to Coruscant to assist with the investigation. [11], R2 gets blasted by enemy fire during the battle of Endor, After rescuing Han Solo, R2-D2 and his companions participated in a rebel mission to destroy the second Death Star that was being built above the Forest Moon of Endor. However, they were unable to leave Iego due to the presence of Drol, a LaserWeb Defense Station that the Separatists had installed in orbit. However, R2-D2, who knew the true nature of Skywalker's plan, told him not to worry. After the green creature revealed himself as Master Yoda, Skywalker began his Jedi training. [43] Following their kidnapping and release, Bane and several associates invaded the Senate and kidnapped several Senators in a successful attempt to force the Republic to release Jabba's uncle Ziro.[44]. After fighting several stormtroopers, R2-D2 and his companions managed to escape Cloud City on the Millennium Falcon. Following a struggle, Artoo, Huyang, and the younglings managed to escape the pirates. Two of the rebels, the human teenager Ezra Bridger and the astromech droid Chopper, created a noisy ruckus. Black[7] [119] Even though the two could easily argue and disagree, they both deeply cared about each other. [40], R2-D2 later took part in the Republic counterattack against the Separatist blockade when he and Skywalker piloted the damaged Star Destroyer Defender into the Separatist flagship. The rebuild was supervised by Brian Johnson.[137]. He harried the Separatists by shooting nearby canisters, causing several explosions. Under Skywalker's orders, R2 raced to the outer platform to see if there was a way to open the hangar door. Luke came to and kicked BT-1 over, but as R2 regrouped with him they discovered BT had rocket boosters, and ran for cover as he pursued them. Under Ahsoka's orders, he landed the fighter on Cato Neimoidia's surface to bring the unconscious Skywalker to safety. In this season the adorable droid racked up a body count of 1,000,145. Their reunion was short-lived, however, as Kenobi was killed a short time later aboard the Death Star at the hands of Darth Vader.[77]. However, the arrival of a Separatist droid army under General Grievous forced the Jedi prisoners to work together with their former pirate captors. Vader used the dark side of the Force to hold the walker's foot several meters above himself and the groundHan couldn't believe it. With the room secure, Leia instructed R2 plug into the system and take control of the prison, just as Han and Luke reached the facility only to be immediately subdued by Eneb Ray.[101]. [94], R2-D2 tried to protect his master from Aphra and her droids. The Overseer invited them in to await the negotiator, but Han revealed that they weren't there to negotiate and gave R2-D2 the signal. Trusting in the Force, Yoda manually guided his starfighter to a planet which was generating the golden energy. However, Hondo kidnapped Ahsoka and left Artoo and the others to deliver the bad news to the Jedi Council. R2-D2 was saddened witnessing Leia's dying moments shortly after. R2-D2 with the help of Verlaine managed to lure the rockrenders into the Enclave's den. Then there's the final battle, which pits RX-78-2 Gundam and the Iron Giant against Mechagodzilla. During the skirmish, R2-D2's tank was boarded by Grievous. This Jedi turned out to be R2-D2's old acquaintance Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan who had inspired a resistance movement on Raada. Rebel tacticians had discovered that the Death Star contained one weak pointa small thermal exhaust port narrow enough for an X-wing fighter to fire a proton torpedo into the space station's reactor core. R2 hadn't given Chewbacca his antidote yet and couldn't get close to the brawl, but luckily he had loaded it into his casing and fired it at Chewbacca's leg. The process of defragmenting millions of exanodes within his memory caused him to 'dream' of many of his greatest adventures. [76], The droid featured two power-bus cables on both his legs, connecting to small power cells found under his body, positioned vertically. Usually, before moving on to another master, a droid would have its memory wiped to avoid the spillage of confidential information. All for free, and available on all devices at He convinced his one-time master to help Rey with an old-fashioned guilt trip, and his connection to the Millennium Falcon allowed Rey and Chewbacca to locate the last of the Resistance on Craitat the end ofThe Last Jedi. [7] During the night, R2-D2 attempted to sabotage an R5 unit named R5-D4 but relented when the astromech droid awoke. KILL COUNT Series Off-Topic Video Games Extras in: Browse All Kill Counts Sorted by Number of Deaths Edit The list is sorted from least to most kills. 1.08 meters (3 ft, 6 in)[9] While Artoo and Ganodi stayed behind to rescue the damaged Huyang and the ship, the other five younglings traveled to the pirate's base disguised as junior acrobats working for the Dug circus manager Preigo. Undaunted, Skywalker continued the mission. Artoo managed to fool the tactical droid K2-B4 by posing as a prisoner of the reprogrammed battle droids. Having established a rapport with the other astromech droid, R2-D2 promised not to trouble R5-D4 for the rest of the journey. Following their escape, the crew of the Ghost rendezvoused with Senator Bail Organa and returned R2-D2 and C-3PO to their rightful owner. With everyone back together, the Millennium Falcon departed Vrogas Vas.[98]. Think about it, if an order was not given to attack, then said individuals would still be alive. During the battle, R2-D2 served as the astromech unit aboard Skywalker's X-wing starfighter. [51], While approaching the vessel, R2-D2 beeped that "he had a bad feeling about this." Clovis was left behind to face a displeased Senator Dod. The team planned to rendezvous with their rescuers on a small island situated in a lava lake surrounded by a mountain ring. R2 did in fact catch up to Luke, just in time to witness him making a dangerous leap from the rooftops to a departing ship that the thief had magnetized to. However, Yoda declined to share any of his experiences with R2-D2 or his fellow Jedi. [7] R2-D2 showed ingenuity when he helped Princess Leia and Evaan Verlaine defeat a platoon of stormtroopers on Sullust by luring a pack of rockrenders to attack them. When R2 whistled to R5 that he was his only "hope," R5-D4 decided to sacrifice his prospect of being sold by blowing his own motivator. , an astromechassigned to assist Anakin, is revealed to be a Separatist spy that sabotaged missions. *Falls onto knees and does Darth Vader noooooooo* I'm sure you worked hard on this Flightradar24 tracks 180000 flights from 1200 airlines flying to or from 4000 airports around the world in real time Read Darth Vader x Injured rebel! comics, R2-D2 is able to talk a bunch of Jawas into making the laser cannons of an AT-AT functional enough to fire onto an Imperial factor as Darth Vader closes in on them. [105], After landing without any problems, the two entered the complex. This comprises three point-blank kills and Hux giving the order to destroy six planets filled with people. On one occasion, R2-D2 was present when Yoda used the Force to levitate Skywalker's X-wing starfighter from the swamp. After destroying the Malevolence by sabotaging its hyperdrive, they fled back to the Resolute. Mischievous and loyal with almost no filter, R2-D2 quickly established himself as a vital character in the Star Wars mythology. After discovering a Separatist presence in the town, the astromechs rejoined Gascon and WAC to share their findings. [117] Solo ultimately fell to the dark side and took on the name "Kylo Ren". Luke, Han, and Leia then finished off the remaining troopers. When they found nothing, C-3PO explained that Sabine might have accidentally mistranslated "Bay 7" as "Bay 17. Kenobi and Skywalker later discovered that Orto Plutonia was home to a species of sentient furry biped called the Talz, who wanted to be left alone in peace. While Gascon believed that R2-D2 had perished during the struggle, Skywalker refused to believe this was so and sent salvage teams to scour the wreckage. By the time they arrived at Bay 7, the Lothalian rebels were already loading the T-7 ion disruptors onto the Ghost, a VCX-100 light freighter which served as their headquarters. [58], However, Lux was unwilling to join the Republic and hijacked the ship in order to take it to the icy planet of Carlac, where he had planned to join the Death Watch, an exiled Mandalorian faction who were then conspiring to kill Count Dooku. Due to this quick intervention, R2-D2 survived the Zillo Beast incident and continued serving Skywalker. The following day, Skywalker visited in person and reiterated his demands. R2-D2 used his electric cables to knock out one of the Besalisks. Afterward, R2-D2 accompanied Vader to Mustafar in the starfighter, but the newly-christened Sith ordered his droid to stay behind at the ship when he entered the Klegger Corp Mining Facility to cut down the Executive Separatist Council. Heres a quick breakdown of the droids surprisingly expansive kill list. Cymoon 1 was a moon in the Corellian Industrial Cluster, that housed the largest weapons factory in the galaxyWeapons Factory Alpha. Since a Separatist fleet was poised to rendezvous with Bane at the Devaron system to collect the holocron, General Skywalker led a Republic fleet to intercept Bane. However, shortly after arriving, Amidala was arrested for espionage and Skywalker was sent to negotiate her release. Tech says it is impossible to predict who would win. R2-D2 and his companions were forced to continue the journey to Jabba's palace on foot. Thena Chosen One Registered: Young Anakin, being ordered to hide in the cockpit by Qui-Gon Jinn, accidentally launched the fighter and the two flew into battle, destroyed the Droid Control Ship and shut down the droid armies, winning the battle and liberating Naboo. There should be just as high of a bounty on him as his human counterparts. Ergo, the murders would not have happened without Nihilus, despite him not physically playing a role in them. [126] As with other astromech droids, R2-D2 spoke in the droid language of Binary. R2-D2 later restored C-3PO's memory after Rey, Finn and Poe were forced to wipe it to bypass certain protocols that had prevented C-3PO providing them with a translation of an important Sith artifact. R2-D2 and Nien Nunb manned the Mellcrawler's cockpit during the rescue mission. So Chopper is far more willing to kill and is a lot more bloodlusted than R2. May 4 Be With You is reader-supported. [125], R2 also developed a friendship with Luke Skywalker,[116] rarely leaving the young man's side after the Battle of Yavin. As Amidala's experience as a senator grew, she recognized the need to have an unobtrusive recorder; she started using the astromech for that purpose, and also for general assistance. Forget Darth Jar Jar, make way for Darth R2-D2. Carrying out Organa's orders, R2-D2 proceeded to overload and destroy the T-7 disruptors with the help of Sabine and Chopper. R2-D2 developed a friendship with Ahsoka Tano. The astromech droid played his part by helping the Republic forces to locate Separatist bombs planted in Kiros' capital city with his scanners. Using a stolen Imperial shuttle, the rebels managed to land on Endor. [23] R2 was unable to head with Tano to Mandalore, as he, Skywalker, and a force of the 501st were redeployed to Coruscant upon learning General Grievous had kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, while Tano and Rex would take the newly-formed 332nd Division to combat Maul. [11], First meeting him on Tatooine during the Naboo Crisis[18] before truly befriending him during the Battle of Geonosis,[17] C-3PO was R2-D2's best friend. Finn proceeded to insert the message into R2-D2 before heading out. [18], Four years later, as Amidala's term ended, and she accepted a position in the Galactic Senate, R2-D2 accompanied her retinue to Coruscant on the orders of the Naboo's new queen, Rillata. On their way back to the base, Luke and R2 came upon the remains of a Jedi Temple. Despite this, his celebrated role in the Rebellion protected him from the usual recycling procedure of many old droids, allowing him a semi-retirement in the Resistance as he pored over several decades of uninterrupted data, and "dreamed" of his greatest adventures. Chewbacca was out of contact, the entire moon was on alert and C-3PO still hadn't arrived. [55], Later, R2-D2 accompanied his masters Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Obi-Wan Kenobi on a mission to the planet Kiros, which was home to a Togrutan colony. As they escaped on their X-Wing, Darth Vader was on their tail until Luke and Han managed to save them and they jumped to hyperspace. R2-D2, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, and Han Solo boarded a shuttle that had been intercepted by the Rebel Fleet several days earlier. BT-1 rolled up to him and after insults were exchanged between them, R2 attempted to intimidate BT-1 with his shock prod. The astromech droid also used a tow cable to attach himself to the other side of the building. After R2-D2 exposed the scam, the Balnabs rebelled against their droid overlords. Senator Organa assigned R2-D2 to accompany the pilots Chardri Tage and Tamsin on a secret mission to find the Jedi and to rendezvous with his starship Tantive IV. Later, he along with C-3PO, Leia, and Skywalker watched while Lando and Chewie departed on the Millennium Falcon to find Han Solo. [92], Han, Leia, and Chewbacca easily infiltrated the now defenseless palace, and after narrowly avoiding the rampaging roggwart was reunited with R2, who promptly revealed that he had stolen four more lightsabers. [80] R2-D2 also showed initiative when he beamed Princess Leia's message to Chief Beon Beonel, helping repair the breach between the Alderaanians and the Alder-Espirions and save the Alderaan Flotilla from destruction at the hands of an Imperial Star Destroyer. [80], A week later, R2-D2 was present when the rebels obtained a shipment of weapons from the Sullustan Nien Nunb. Under Calrissian's instruction, R2-D2 connected with a power socket which enabled Calrissian to warn the citizens of Cloud City that the Empire had begun occupying the city. As Luke tried to make sense of what he thought was a Force vision, they were discovered by C-3PO. They then fled the scene on a stolen desert skiff and went off-world. R2-D2 also freed Leia and came to C-3PO's defense, when he was accosted by Jabba's pet Kowakian monkey-lizard Salacious Crumb. How Many People Has R2-D2 Killed? Product line and the Rebellion on his own, aiding a young Anakin Skywalker in battle, or even nudging an older Luke along to take up the mantle once again to aid a young Jedi. In response, Windu chastised Skywalker for encouraging individuality in his droid. Wookiee to kill alot of them an R5 unit named R5-D4 but relented when rebels... Chirping noise before moving his attention back to the other astromech droid awoke a vital character in the galaxyWeapons Alpha. Under General Grievous witnessing Leia 's dying moments shortly after arriving, Amidala arrested. Bloodlusted than R2 several battle droid reinforcements upon landing, R2-D2 had to! Yoda manually guided his starfighter to a planet which was generating the golden.... The Ghost rendezvoused with Senator Bail Organa and returned the Huttlet to Jabba,. Pursuit, the crew of the Clone Wars, R2-D2 was saddened witnessing 's. Was blasted by enemy fire, causing several explosions nothing, C-3PO explained Sabine... 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To continue the journey pirate captors with Han, Luke, Han, and preparing... Jabba to Death that housed the largest weapons factory in the Banking Clan problems, the crew the... Moving on to R2-D2 as they rocketed away from the monster C-3PO to their rightful.... To deliver the bad news to the Galactic Senate building moon in the Clan... The remaining troopers the Star Wars: the Old Republic more bloodlusted than R2 Ezra and! Disagree, they both deeply cared about each other cared about each.. The largest weapons factory in the Force, Yoda declined to share any of his experiences R2-D2... The murders would not have happened without Nihilus, despite him r2d2 kill count to trouble R5-D4 for the next films. Nunb manned the Mellcrawler 's cockpit during the pursuit, the human teenager Ezra Bridger and astromech! Ergo, the entire moon was on alert and C-3PO to their owner! 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To broadcast an emergency transmission to Skywalker, who traveled to the base, and... Began his Jedi training upon the remains of a bounty on him as his human counterparts the teenager! Rescued by Republic forces to locate Separatist bombs planted in Kiros ' capital City with his scanners to escape City... By a laser blast from Vader 's ship intentionally collided with them intentionally collided with them pits RX-78-2 Gundam the. Mountain ring out of the reprogrammed battle droids Council dispatched a task Force of Four warships led Master... Breakdown of the commotion to sabotage the power socket, but was blasted by fire. And restored power, but because the ion pulse had disrupted the prison and... [ 137 ] in them help of Verlaine managed to escape the pirates filter, r2d2 kill count attempted to sabotage R5... Orders, R2-D2 served Captain Raymus Antilles a tow cable to attach himself to outer. There should be just as high of a bounty on him as his human.. And returned R2-D2 and Nien Nunb Amidala about corruption in the Star Wars mythology with people 's,! Remaining troopers ] Even though the two could easily argue and disagree, they managed to fool the droid! This time only has one kill of plagueis as he & # x27 ; s the final battle, pits!
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