OSAC Council members will walk through a timeline of the Ukraine invasion and discuss how the invasion impacted private-sector operations and discuss how their organizations responded. The Federal Center, however, estimated that only 10 to 15 percent of those collective bargaining agreements would undergo a legitimization vote because the worksite where the agreement was valid had closed, the work for which the agreement was negotiated had concluded, or the contract was a protection contract held by a nonrepresentative union. On January 14, community leaders went to the municipal headquarters of Ayutla de los Libres, Guerrero, to urge revocation of Protestant families local property rights for refusing to participate in the construction and servicing of the local Catholic church. Freedom of Expression for Members of the Press and Media, Including Online Media: Independent media were active and expressed a wide variety of views without restriction but often self-censored due to fear of reprisal. According to the victims mother, police detained and interrogated him without reasonable suspicion or probable cause. The COVID-19 pandemic in Guinea-Bissau is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).The virus was confirmed to have reached Guinea-Bissau in March 2020.. Guinea-Bissau reported their first two cases of COVID-19 on March 24, 2020. This decision prevented a protection union from attempting to stop the strike by filing a challenge to the Mineros Unions control of the existing collective bargaining agreement at the San Martin mine in Sombrerete, Zacatecas. In February the Attorney Generals Office arrested former Puebla governor Mario Marin and charged him with torturing journalist Lydia Cacho, who exposed Marin and several business leaders involvement in a child sex trafficking ring in 2005. Penalties for law violations regarding hours and minimum wage were commensurate with those for other similar laws but were rarely enforced. In addition to shelters, womens justice centers provided services including legal, psychological, and protective; however, the number of cases far surpassed institutional capacity. In July an arrangement was reached on a course of remediation, which included a new collective bargaining agreement legitimization vote under the supervision of the STPS, with observers from the National Electoral Institute and the International Labor Organization. Mexico is one of Latin America's most important security markets due to its size, leading industries, development, and total demand. The Director of DSS serves as the council . OSAC's Mission and Values: As threats continually arise and evolve across the world, U.S. organizations require a trusted network of support to maintain peak awareness and readiness to respond.OSAC is dedicated to maintaining strong bonds between public and private security professionals to provide these organizations with the broadest security perspective and widest scope of support. Day laborers and their children were the primary victims of forced and child labor in the agricultural sector, particularly in the production of chili peppers and tomatoes. As of July 13, a total of 3,501 prisoners had contracted COVID-19 and 75,162 had received vaccines, according to the CNDH. The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) is responsible for independently investigating security force abuses, including killings, and can issue nonbinding recommendations for prosecution. Social programs to combat child labor did not address all sectors where child labor occurred. Government authorities also reported an increase of 73 percent in online child pornography distribution during the pandemic. The CNDH may call on government authorities to impose administrative sanctions or pursue criminal charges against officials, but it is not authorized to impose penalties or legal sanctions. Discrimination: The law provides women the same legal status and rights as men and equal pay for equal work performed in equal jobs, hours of work, and conditions of efficiency. The law establishes penalties for discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, color, religion, language, pregnancy, political belief, or any other nature that violates human dignity. Investigations continued into the 2014 disappearances of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College in Iguala, Guerrero. As of December 2020 the Prosecutor Generals Office was investigating 3,703 torture-related inquiries under the previous inquisitorial legal system (initiated prior to the 2016 transition to an accusatorial system) and 565 investigations under the accusatorial system. Authorities arrested Mario Reyes and Gladis Cruz in connection with the killing. After accumulating nine hours of overtime in a week, a worker earns triple the hourly wage. On May 1, the role of verifying the process for unions to organize a secret ballot vote for workers to approve or reject existing collective bargaining agreements within the four-year period established by the reforms (legitimization process) transitioned from the STPS to the Federal Center. Penalties for law violations regarding occupational safety and health regulations were commensurate with those for other similar laws but were rarely enforced. In just the first few months of 2019, the Mexican coastal state of Veracruz has been plagued by bloodshed - on the streets, in drive-by shootings, and even with a massacre at a family gathering . In March authorities in Mexico City opened an investigation based on allegations of rape against Andres Roemer, a prominent writer, producer, consular officer, and former UNESCO goodwill ambassador. The reforms also establish an expedited and more transparent judicial process for unions to obtain collective bargaining rights. In Baja California Sur, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, and Yucatan, the crimes of defamation and libel are prosecuted, with penalties ranging from three days to five years in prison and fines for committing defamation or slander, both considered crimes against honor. Slander is punishable under the criminal laws of the states of Campeche, Nuevo Leon, Sonora, Yucatan, and Zacatecas, with sentences ranging from three months to six years in prison and fines. The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) was created in 1985 under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to promote security cooperation between American private-sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State. Sanchez was a reporter for Facebook-based Panorama Pacifico and was in the protection mechanism after suffering an attempt on his life in July 2020. Penalties were commensurate with other similar laws but were rarely enforced. This requirement was not followed in all cases, particularly in remote areas of the country. In addition to a more impartial and streamlined judicial process for labor disputes, the reforms transfer the registration of unions and collective bargaining agreements from the CABs to a new independent Federal Conciliation and Labor Registration Center. In June President Lopez Obrador announced that forensic scientists at the University of Innsbruck conclusively identified the remains of Jhosivani Guerrero, marking the third body identified of the 43 disappeared students. Failure to register births could result in the denial of public services such as education or health care. Also see the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at https://www.state.gov/trafficking-in-persons-report/. The government did not effectively enforce the law or regulations. Women, children, indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ persons, and migrants (including men, women, and children) were the most vulnerable to forced labor (see section 7.c.). You can add more than one country or area. Federal and state databases were incomplete and had data-crossing problems; forensic systems were highly fragmented between the local, state, and federal levels; and the sheer volume of unsolved cases was far greater than the forensic systems were capable of handling. There were no government restrictions on academic freedom or cultural events. Through a nationwide assessment process, the National Search Commission (CNB) revised the governments official number of missing or disappeared persons repeatedly as additional data became available. On April 24, congress approved a reform to the labor law aimed at banning subcontracting of personnel for core or main economic activities in the public and private sectors. The investigation continued as of August 30. The law also provides for the rights of appeal and of bail in most categories of crimes. In June media outlets reported that a fight between two rival groups of inmates left six inmates dead and nine wounded at a prison in Villahermosa, Tabasco. In the state of Mexico, the state with the highest number of feminicides in 2021, there were serious flaws in the criminal investigations of these crimes. The armed forces operated a military justice system to hold human rights abusers accountable. According to a 2019 National Child Labor Survey, the number of children ages five to 17 in child labor, including in hazardous household work, was 3.3 million, or approximately 11.5 percent of children in the country. Penalties ranged from monetary fines to the cancellation of candidacies. Several indigenous communities brought legal actions to oppose the construction, many of which were dismissed or denied. The NGO Disability Rights International reported various instances of abuse, including the use of prolonged restraints and isolation rooms for children with disabilities in both public and private institutions. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and family members of disappeared persons alleged the prosecutors undercounted the actual number of cases. Children also produced garments, leather goods, and illicit crops such as opium poppies; engaged in illicit activities such as the production and trafficking of drugs; and experienced sexual exploitation, often as a result of human trafficking. According to the Mexican Statistical Agency (INEGI) in Mexico there were a total of 36,773 homicides in 2020, according to the SESNSP there were a total of 34,555 murders that same year. The CNDHs 2020 National Diagnostic of Penitentiary Supervision reported that state prisons were understaffed and suffered from poor sanitary conditions as well as a lack of separation between those sentenced and those awaiting trial. Index; Crime Index: 68.49: Safety Index: 31.51: Crime rates in Mexico City, Mexico. According to the measurement, which offers a balance for 2020, the capital of Potos has a rate of 37,400 victims per 100,000 inhabitants, only below Toluca, capital of the State of Mexico, with 38,300. State human rights commissions investigate state and municipal police forces and can issue similar recommendations. Federal law prohibits torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, as well as the admission of confessions obtained through illicit means as evidence in court. The government continued to pursue the extradition of Tomas Zeron from Israel. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining, b. The government increased the CNB budget 8 percent over the 2020 budget. Government officials stated that the harassment of Catholic priests and evangelical Protestant pastors reflected high levels of generalized violence throughout the country and not targeted attacks based on religious faith. According to the National Womens Institute, the federal institution charged with directing national policy on equal opportunity for men and women, sexual harassment in the workplace was a significant problem. Government failures to investigate and prosecute attacks on protesters and human rights defenders resulted in impunity for these crimes, consistent with high impunity rates for all crimes. In July the CNB reported it had recovered more than 1,100 pounds of charred human remains from La Bartolina, Tamaulipas, a clandestine cremation site found in 2017. Military Abuses and Extrajudicial Killings. For more in-depth information, review OSAC's Venezuela country page for original .
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