Based on a prior patient safety study, in which a metaphor of landmines in health care landscape (Affonso et al., 2007) independently arose via group discussion, we learned that Italian nurses preferred using metaphors during group discussions to capture the complexities of their clinical experiences. Laura Sabatino, PhD student, MScN, RN, is a lecturer at Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy. Basic education is not enough. Traditional cures are often used for instance lemon for colds and flu, garlic for high blood pressure, and canarino, an herbal teach by boiling a few bay leaves together with some lemon rind, to treat a stomach ache. An exemplar is demonstrated in Latin countries where the juxtaposition of relational dimensions to quality care is manifested through expressive communicative styles that characterize strong relationships between patients and health care teams (Manara, Villa, & Moranda, 2014). In contrast, cultural reforms for Italian nursing are largely compelled through public laws, which are enacted by the Italian Ministry of Health. It's funny how similar they are to my own culture when it comes to family and food. Six themes emerged that provide insights into nurses experiences with changes occurring in Italy during the past decade (20012011). The research team made a contribution to the field by making salient the significance of metaphors that enrich group dynamics in qualitative research. We need strategies and new systems to manage change in nursing. Nurse scholars added, Economic, societal context of change means we need new alliances, partnerships and stakeholders. Nurses from all groups cited how the IPASVI-CoE is the only current infrastructure operating to advance nursing in Italy. Throughout this paper I have found that though it is easy to generalize a culture in to stereotypes with the Italian culture I found that there is diversity within the culture that is found in every other culture. But then you enter the vortex next time, when the nurse carries out a series of tasks, and you are cycling in the vortex once again. Info: 1653 words (7 pages) Nursing Essay We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. Methods: The NCCS scale has been back translated and applied to a sample of nursing students of the San Paolo Hospital in Milan; the scale has been assessed for validity . ten Hoeve Y., Jansen G., Roodbol P. (2013). The Italian culture will benefit from this by the goals of lowering obesity and other chronic conditions such as diabetes. Clinical nurses also emphasized that because health care is very difficult to change in Italy, coraggio had to be not only at the individual nurse level, but an ethical commitment for all health professionals to comply with the deepest values of their conscience and their professional identity: Courage is not merely to help us in difficult situations of our practice. Enrolled participants either had knowledge of the research topic or best represented the field (Elo et al., 2014). In contrast, cultural reforms for Italian nursing are largely compelled through public laws, The sample included a wide range of nurses from the students of undergraduate, masters, and doctoral programs to hospital-based and community nurses, nurse directors, and nurse educators/scholars. In appreciation of this context, Italian nurses expressed concern over the lack of attention to the nursepatient relationship because of clinical variables such as heavy workloads, scarcity of health care support staff, and the burden of a fixed list of work tasks.. The second paradox related to the contradiction that whereas unions organize nurses and unite them through contracts that include more benefits and protections, they continue to sanction old roles of the nurse not recognizing advanced nursing practice roles as valid for union contracts in Italy. (Kittler et al., 2017), The fact that illness is due to contamination or heredity is believed by the Italian Americans. professional specifically for you? Managing professional change is viewed as an essential component of health care system reform in several countries (Ayala, Fealy, Vanderstraeten, & Bracke, 2014). Barriers, dangers, risks, and lack of solutions to persistent clinical problems were cited as factors that powered the deductive jungle. Variations of this theme ran across the eight focus groups. (Kittler et al., 2017). Transcription and content verification enabled (a) retrieval of key words and phrases, and (b) detection of nonverbal communication, gestures, and behaviors. Cultural competency is known to improve the attitudes and knowledge of nursing staff, which makes patients feel more at ease, leading to greater patient satisfaction scores. In contrast, cultural reforms for Italian nursing are largely compelled through public laws, which are enacted by the Italian Ministry of Health. Each individual nurse comes to the profession with unique cultural values, beliefs and traditions that provide a guide for living and connecting with those inside and outside of their culture. In these circumstances, the necessity for culturally competent curing is prominently obvious. Manojlovich M., Barnsteiner J., Bolton L. B., Disch J., Saint S. (2008). The need for transcultural nursing is undeniable. If a ward, department doesnt work, it is [the] responsibility of the nurse manager to raise problems and try to solve them, through life-long learning. Academic experts. The attendance and observations of the three undergraduate nursing students in the focus groups helped the research team to better comprehend the weight of nonverbal behaviors of the participants. The research team adopted standards of rigor according to Lincoln and Guba (1985) and Guba and Lincoln (2005). Italian Americans may seek medical advice from family and friends before consulting a health professional (Kittler et al., 2017). (n.d.). . Our nursing and healthcare experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have, from simple essay plans, through to full nursing dissertations. *You can also browse our support articles here >, The Roman Catholic Church plays a major part in the way Italians walk through life and is the main religion in Italy. Nurse directors emphasized the need for new strategies and systems: Many nurses perceive no supportive environment to cope with changes in nursing. We are experimenting with display styles that make it easier to read articles in PMC. (Kittler et al., 2017), Pasta, eggs, meats, cheese, vegetables (eggplant, artichokes, bell peppers, and tomatoes), butter, dairy products, rice, olive oil, fish, beans, garlic, and spices (parsley, basil, oregano, anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves) are all staple ingredients in Italian foods. "Italian Culturally Competent Nursing Care." The Villa Carital Care Community was built and funded by the Carraresi Foundation and the British Columbia Provincial Government. Private institution versus public institution is of another culture. If possible I would try and educate the family as well as the client because family tends to play a big role in an Italians life. I will counsel them on why the restrictions should not be ignored. Get Access Related Better Essays Academisation of nursing: An ethnography of social transformations in Chile. In Italy, professional cultural reforms connote different perspectives among the health professions. (Kittler et al., 2017), Less pasta and more meat are consumed meaning that the amount of saturated fats in the diet is increased and the carbohydrates might decrease from that of the Italian culture. Culturally Competent Practices, Culturally Competent Care: A Hmong Child and Her American Doctors, Culturally Competent Nursing Care for Older Patients, Culturally Competent Care in Indian Health Service, Competent Care: Filipino Cultural Assessment Model, Economics Forces for Non-Profit Nursing Homes: Demand and Supply, Intimate Partner Violence: Increasing Nurses' Knowledge and Skills. Governments around the world have set out an agenda to realize an unprecedented shift in the delivery of health care. The grant just covered the cost of meetings; none of the authors received any money. The vivid use of metaphors and choice of particular semantics helped to more fully communicate the evolutionary process of the field of nursing in Italy, including its different levels of meanings, passion, and concomitant needs. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Noteworthy, partnerships between IPASVI, the Italian Ministries of Health and that of Education, and other key nursing organizations were discussed as future possibilities based on strong relational commitments. September 1, 2021. Professional development and university-based education are critical to establishing clinical competency, the foundation for professional autonomy and decision-making. Study participants noted that the changes are destabilizing and creating turmoil individually and collectively: In ten years, there have been many changes but these sudden changes created great confusion. One of the participants noted that Old systems are [still] dominant in Italy. "Shaking hands with everyone in the room in greeting and leaving is appropriate" (Kittler et al., 2017). Although partial decline has occurred over the past two decades (Tousijn, 2002) and some aspects of innovation are visible (France & Taroni, 2005), the Italian old regime remains stalwart. FGDs were the primary method of data collection. Italians favor emotionally laden verbal and reciprocal interactions in conversation, which intertwine cognitive and psychological overtones and use rich Italian vernacular. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by Elo S., Kriinen M., Kanste O., Plkki T., Utriainen K., Kyngs H. (2014). The doctoral student focus group emphasized a unique dimension of coraggio, namely, that of social change and public policy changes when they commented on the need for courage to push policy forward and sustain policy for professional development. I want to say theres a contradiction that a real sense of nursing is lacking in our nursing science. In this regard, IPASVIs annual national conferences and biennial international congresses will feature the metaphors, specific to their implications for innovations in patient care. The nursing profession: Public image, self-concept, and professional identity. The fourth paradox was the contradiction of distinctively different standards of quality of work offered by private institutions versus public institutions even if nurses were accountable to providing parity in patient care. I have learned that the rich food culture that is heavy in carbohydrates can lead to health concerns throughout the culture. Different content standards create confusion. Clinical nurse participants stressed the need for guidance on how to navigate the deductive jungle to practice competently. Italians enjoy the 11th highest life expectancy in the world, as well as very low levels of infant mortality. For example, changes in the culture of Italian medicine focus on physicians becoming more flexible in their power and control of health care via collaboration and partnership with other health professions as well as their patients. Hospitalized people and their families are undergoing abundant strains. Meal wise lunch consists of an appetizer course to start, such as ham, sausages, pickled vegetables, and olives, or crostini (Kittler et al., 2017). Participants sat at a round table to maximize visibility and communication; group size ranged from 6 to 10 participants. We've received widespread press coverage Another program that improves the health of the Italian American culture would be the Obesity Society. They included (a) clinical hospital-based nurses (n = 10); (b) nurses in community practice (n = 9); (c) a mixed group of hospital and community nurses (n = 9); (d) designated nurse scholars (n = 6), including three deans of schools of nursing; (e) hospital nursing directors (n = 8); (f) doctoral nursing students (n = 8); (g) masters nursing students (n = 7); and (h) baccalaureate nursing students (n = 9). Preliminary evidence, however, told us that reflective clinical decision-making was a means to cope with the deductive jungle and the IPASVI-CoE had to use it as a source of educational training, with a particular focus on skillset development in clinical decision-making. . Destrebecq A., Terzoni S., Colosio C., Neri L., Brambilla G. (2009). First and foremost, it allows nurses to provide more effective and culturally sensitive care to patients from diverse backgrounds. Free resources to assist you with your nursing studies! available We will write a custom Nursing essay specifically for you for only $16.00 $11/page Learn more. This in-depth analysis resulted in the development of a codebook. The National Federation of IPASVI Colleges is a nonprofit body by public law established in 1954 to represent the nursing profession on a national basis. For example, Italians often try to talk over each other, making their voices louder and louder ("Italian culture," n.d.). Study authors delineated the characteristics, meanings, and challenges that Italian nurses experienced in their changing culture as a health profession. Affonso D. D., De Marinis M. G., Finocchi G., Piredda M., Pulimeno L., Tartaglini D., Rocco G. (2007). The Obesity Society is a great public health program for the Italian American culture as obesity shows up in 45% of women and 66% of men throughout the culture. IvyPanda. in Italian women than Australian born. Nurses across the majority of groups also discussed the importance of life-long learning, with the IPASVI-CoE being cited as one of the leadership institutions that provides opportunities for professional development via new educational programs: Life-long learning is important for the contemporary nurse in Italy. Coraggio was communicated to underscore the importance of nurses psychological well-being when enduring the difficulties associated with change (Kidder, 2005). We sought to understand the ongoing evolution of the nursing profession and the changes that were central to it becoming an intellectual discipline on par with the other health professions in Italy. Professional dignity in nursing in clinical and community workplaces.
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