2. for initializing modem before Modem Dial connecting. 1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. Change Cash Dispenser B/D, Error of two sheets detecting sensor(CS5_1), 1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path.2. Check modem in diagnostics or modem test. In case partial bills dispensed by dispensing demand when Partial Dispense option is on. Replenish receipt paper.2. Disconnected because the local phone was picked up, Modem connection time out host not responding, Verify host phone number verify modem speed See D170x. This device acquired PCI PTS v5 certification in October 2019. Inspect double detect module and adjust as necessary. Check phone number.). ATM Fees- How much to charge per transaction. 3. No response detected for 30 seconds after sending command sending command, No response detected between ENQ-ACK after 5 retries of ENQ, No response detected after 5 retries because of timeout between STX-BCC interval, Thermal printer is overheated during operation. Rearrange notes in cassette 3. Check the notes in cassette #2, 1. Both sensors must be blocked for this error to occur. Remove jammed notes on Cash Dispenser return path 2. Close the feed tray on the printer. Do not use spaces or dashes in the phone number string. Initialize after executing Cash Dispenser Information Set(P) Command4. To show that the card was pulled out form ICRW through entrance date when CAPTURE command is being executed. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting sensor.6. Re-initialize machine, verify connections to mainboard. Check the notes in cassette #1, 1. Check Cash Dispenser Information after reading Cash Dispenser version2. Low cash warning sensor on dispenser is open. Replenish the cash-if using less than 75 bills, disable the Low Cash Warning in the Transaction Setup Menu. Check the shutter cams rotation operation. Initialize after removing notes or dust over Gate2. 2. Check cabling and potential blockages and power cycle ATM. 5. Check Cash Dispenser Firmware Version. Clean CS1A and CS13, 1. Reconfigure denomination 2. Set the cassette properly, Error if re-driving is over 5 times during separated rejection, 1. Detected notes in path before initializing. Once the master password has been reset to 555555, enter the operator functions and clear the NVRAM under System Setup -> System Control. Install after rearranging notes in cassette, Continuous 3 times error if note is long (once tried, twice retried)=>Separated rejection, 1. Check Cash Dispenser Unit information. If the error persists, the vault assembly may need to be removed to inspect / access the cash tray sensors. Check if the CS3 sensor bracket is bended. Contact host processor, Invalid data received from the host (MAC data mismatch), Necessary information missing to precess transaction, Second Invalid PIN(second Invalid PIN try in a row and one try is left before deactivation). 20001. Check for any CDU error codes and the number of notes dispensed to customer. After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer, 1. Check if the CS3 sensor bracket is bent 4. Check if the CDU Board CN6 and 3 Cassette FM Board CN1 are connected. Recover printers mechanical Error. 1. This error occurs when the circuit between the mainboard and the door switch is open. 1. 2. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor, 1. Clean CS2, CS4A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. Set the cash cassette. Receipt printer head overheated before printing. Check telephone line connection. 1. Exchange Sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting Sensor5. 9701017. Remove note from the CDU delivery path 2. 1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path.2. Clean CS13, CS1A or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. Bill is remained on the sensor in front of cassette during resetting. 6. Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected. Remove a dust and foreign objects on the CS31AB or CS41AB sensors. Reboot ATM, Cash Dispenser communication failure during COM port open, When sensing CS2 Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor. Remove jammed paper between printer head and rollers, 1. Upgrade the Cash Dispenser firmware or download software again 3. Open the vault and slide the dispenser back to access the exit gate area. Check Encoder Sensor CS8 BRKT. CDU ROM does not match AP software. 1. Try clearing the cash tray of notes or foreign objects. Initialize after Power On/Off. Reinitialize CDU. To show that the Sensor is damaged or more that one card is inside ICRW. Initialize after resetting the power2. 1. 2. check battery back-up SRAM. Check cassette sensor. Note detected in stacker (shutter or presenter type), 1. Verify that incoming phone line is plugged into Line rather than Phone on mainboard. Check the transaction from the host and try again. Visit http://www.ATMTrader.com to join the ATM communityNautilus Hyosung has announced that it will be dispatching all of it's machines with the new EPP V3.0. Your Benefits; FAQs; Contact Us; Support Center. Replace cash dispenser PCB 2. Check communication cable 3. 2. Check jam in 1 cassette and reload 4. Reboot ATM . Remove any jammed bills from the dispenser, if no bills are present try using compressed air to clean the dispenser (a sensor may be blocked by dust). Check the status of sensor and its connector, 1. Maintenance services 4. 1. Check the status of Black mark sensor2. Tried to dispense notes more than 5 times. Remove a jammed note on the gate2. Check a connection status of the TS004 and TS005 sensor. Reboot ATM. Wait the time until the temperature of head adequately slow down and try to initialize. Check CS13 sensor (note jam and dust)2. 2. CS13 sensor detects a bill with hole during dispensing. Call your attendant, Pinpad (EPP) is down when it receives an Initializing command, EPP is down when it receives an Get Status command, EPP is down when it receives an Clear Func Key command, ** Reference https://hyosungamericas.com/. Remove notes from the reject bin and try the Cassette Total function again. ), Cash picking-up fail while cash in cassette #4 is enough, Cash picking-up fail while cash in cassette #3 is enough, When sensing bills in the Stacker (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor. Our strategic alliances with our ATM processors, ATM manufacturers, and other partners have allowed us to grow and maintain a level of service that exceeds the expectations of our customers. 3. Verify CDU functionality with diagnostics. ), When sensing CS4B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor. Reset the password when prompted. The error of double detection bills during dispense operation, 1. Clean the pick up roller in the check cassette box._ Reset number of check sheets after troubleshooting. Something is detected on CS41AB sensor during dispensing bills. Remove any jammed bills from the dispenser, if no bills are present try using compressed air to clean the dispenser (a sensor may be blocked by dust). Check modem cable 2. Check notes in 1 Cassette 2. Check power cable connected properly. WebRMS could not retrieve the local ATM time. This means that while the ATM was initializing it detected a blocked sensor in the cash dispenser (CS2 sensor). Contact to technician support team. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger 2. Check communication cable connected properly. Try clearing the cash tray of notes or foreign objects. Modem dial connection time-out (while dialing the modem). 1. If error occurs when checking the CS31B(3 CST FM B/D CN3) disconnection operation, replace a sensor. 1. If no bills are present try using compressed air to clean the dispenser (a sensor may be blocked by dust). Clean dispenser. Any ATM with a PCI PTS v3 EPP installed prior to April 30, 2021, but relocated after April 30, 2021 will require a new PCI PTS v5 EPP. Check received command 2. Loose belts can slip off rollers and block sensors. Remove a dust and foreign objects on the CS31AB or CS41AB sensors.3. Make sure you only are using 21# paper. Reboot ATM. Check the replenished amount and replenish 2. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 1. 3. Re-program the ATM. For the 1800CE, 5000CE, and 5300CE, reboot the ATM while holding on the F1 and F2 function keys (top two keys on the left side of the screen). Check Main Motor Encoder Slit3. Try Balance Inquiry. 1. Check if printer head lever is properly close, 1. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor, Error if total reject is more than 20 sheets, 1. No carrier (while sending/receiving data after dial connection), No Carrier during ENQ data receive from host. 1. Clean the dispenser and test using diagnostics. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger 2. Clean dispenser and cassette. Clear notes from dispenser. Check notes dispensed and rejected 2. Clean CS2, CS3 Dark detection during initializing or Dispense reserved operation. Check the Cash Dispenser received command 2. For Use with 6000K Keypads only. Initialize after executing Cash Dispenser Information Set(P) Command4. Contact to technician support team service provider. Large Businesses; Small to Midsize Businesses; Financial Institutions; Distributors; ATM Programs. 2. Check Cash Dispenser Unit information. The dispenser and mainboard are programmed with a country code (USA or Canada). No response from Host Dialing time out to Host. Remove a jammed note on the CDU.3. Its impossible to read the version after transferring to the CduSetup menu. Check Encoder Sensor CS8 BRKT 5. Check if printer head lever is properly close. Check the Cutter module 2. Check second Dip Switch in Cash Dispenser B/D3. Clean CS4A, CS2 or CS4A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. Replace pin pad. Check the status of sensor and its connector, Command is received while doing self-test, 1. Check cassette for jams, check condition of bills in cassette. There are dozens of ATM error codes you could come across during your time as an ATM business owner, and they vary by machine. Remove dust in CS13 Sensor 3. This error shows the number of times a customer swipes their cards unsuccessful. Reinitialize the ATM to put back in service. 3. Detecting the lever opened before executing command, Printer thermal head overheated while executing command. Initialize after executing the CDU Information Set(P) Command4. Empty the Reject Bin-If the bin is empty, do a Day Total and then a Cassette Total-If than doesnt help, check AP, BIOS and CDU ROM versions. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the CST 2. ), When sensing CS41A, B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor. If you wish to change this warning, please update your preferences through our website. CS3A sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit. Mount the retract box or open the box cover. Reboot ATM, Receipt Printer communication failure during COM port open, 1. Exchange Sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting Sensor 5. 3. Check the transaction from the host and try again. Remove a jammed note at the position of the CS13 sensor3. Check dust existing in Main Motor Encoder Slit6. Hyosung machines are engineered to provide consumers with a functional, user-friendly, secure experience. Creating Solutions Cash Management Solutions Hyosung keeps your cash secure Transformative Recycling Technology for branch transformation ATMs Initialize3. Clean CS4B, CS1A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. Check if CS62 sensor poll is abnormal3. 1. Remove jammed notes on Cash Dispenser return path. Remove dust in CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB, CS1AB Sensor 4. Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected, Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected, 1. Check command that Cash Dispenser is received. Check the transaction from the host and try again. CS4 sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses. Dark light sensor test error (CS31A, CS31B) during initializing. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit. Check notes in Reject Box 2. If roll is ok, then try the reset button on the printer. Remove a jammed note between the tray and Cash Dispenser 2. 1. Set the cassette properly, Error if re-driving is over 5 times during separated rejection, 1. NOTE: Do not use metal objects to clear the jam. To show that read error in Digital Decode Read Command. Use an electrical parts contact cleaner on terminals. Check abnormal clutch. Bills is remained in CS41AB sensor after dispensing bills. Remove dust in CS1AB, CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB Sensor 4. Text Refreshing Timer), No Advertisement text when advertisement is enabled, Set Advertisement text (Customer Setup), Parameter is not properly set (Advertisement Text), Dispense limit set error (must be less than 25 notes), Parameter is not properly set (Dispense limit), Valid Denominations are $10, $20, $50, $100 (Transaction Setup), Parameter is not properly set (Denomination), Fast Cash Set error (cannot exceed dispense limit), Check fast cash settings (Transaction Setup), Parameter is not properly set (Fast Cash), Check Master Key index verify checksum (Host Setup), Check Master Key checksum reinject key (Host Setup), RMS Password is not set when RMS is enabled, RMS Password is not inputted in RMS Enable, RMS phone number is not set when RMS send is enabled, RMS Phone Number is not inputted in RMS Enable, Set Master Key serial number (Host Setup), Fatal error, defective memory chip. Remove dust in CS15AB, CS31AB, CS1AB Sensor 5. Clean CS1A, CS1B and CS13. Loose belts can slip off rollers and block sensors. Initialize after removing notes or dust over Gate 2. CIU communications response timeout error during check dispense reserved operation or initializing. Check if each sensor is mounted.1. This means that while the ATM was initializing it detected a blocked sensor in the cash dispenser (CS13 sensor). 2. Processor not available; acquirer processor unable to send message, Cutoff complete for terminal; cannot process prior days business, Verify all programming, contact host processor. 1. Contact telephone company (Check telephone line connection. Check notes in 1 Cassette 2. Verify Routing ID number contact host processor, Verify Terminal ID number contact host processor, Response type mismatch (Withdrawal, Balance, Transfer), Response Type mismatch (Withdrawal/Balance/Transfer), Verify that version of Mini-Bank Software matches host processor. National ATM Systems is an ATM ISO and full service ATM company. JPR printer head is heated too hot. Check all wiring connections to CDU mainboard. Replace the Cash Dispenser B/D, Timeout due to note?s length error passed through the CS13 during dispense operation, 1. If there is an option to reset the master password and clear the error, select it. 2. 2. 2. In case other command is executed in Cash Unit Exchange, Cash dispenser service is already cash in state, In case the cassette counting dont match, In case the number of cassette dont match. Command 4. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. ), 1. Check cash dispenser. The feed lever of the recipt printer is open. Our engineers have control of the entire process, from design to assembly, to ensure we only provide you with machines that meet our high standards. Nautilus Hyosung Retail ATM Models Nautilus Hyosung Through The Wall ATM Models Nautilus Hyosung Financial Institution ATM Models Request More Information Nautilus Hyosung Retail ATM Models Check notes dispensed and rejected 2. Exchange 1 cassette box when there are many error, Error if the number of dispensed notes is not matched to the requested, 1. Complete the contact form below and well follow up right away. How to fix the problem: 1. Certain older models will not be upgradable. NOTE: Do NOT use metal objects to clear jams, use a business card or stiff paper. Remove dust in CS1A, CS1B Sensor5. Remove notes or dust on CS15A Sensor 2. Set cassette #2 correctly 2. Double detect module may require adjustment. Check Main Motor Encoder Slit 3. Clean CS4A, CS2 or CS4A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. Check the Cash Dispenser received command2. Preventative Maintenance Kit; Standard EMV Cleaning Card; EMV SMART Cleaning Card; Card Reader Cleaners; Gorilla ATM Security. Check notes index value, 1. 1. Check dust in Main Motor Encoder Slit 4. Remove notes on CS2 sensor 2. After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer. Check wiring connections to the CDU main board. Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected. Check Cash Dispenser EP ROM Version or specification, When CS15A or CS 15B sensor is detected as dark after initial recovery, 1. To show that a card was not inserted from the rear, even if 10 seconds had passed after the execution of BACK ENTRY command. Check cable and connection between the CE and printer. The ATM attempted to do a reversal and could not. 1. Remove dust in CS1AB, CS15AB, CS31AB,CS41AB Sensor4. Check cassette sensor. Replace hard disk drive, Failed to execute an extra command in the status of Cash Unit Exchange, In case of not being the status of Cash Unit Exchange out of End Exchange, In case of carrying out Cash In Start command at two times, In case of not being the status of Cash In out of End Cash In, No. Open the vault and slide the dispenser back to access the exit gate area. Check if the CS62 sensor cable is disconnected (Cash Dispenser Board CN10 #5~2). Check and reseat all belts. 1. Change Cash Dispenser B/D, Error of two sheets detecting sensor(CS5_1)for initializing, 1. Failed to communicate with Receipt printer when connected to SP open, 1.Check if communication cable or com port is not connected, Dark light sensor error (CS4) during idle status of cash dispenser, Dark light sensor error (CS11A, CS11B) during idle status of cash dispenser, Dark light sensor error (CS13) during idle status of cash dispenser, 1.Replenish receipt paper in paper charger 2.Check the status of Near End sensor and its connctor. Check modem and modem cable connection. 1. If the error will not clear on an 1800CE, 5000CE, or 5300CE, the IO board battery may be dead. Tip: Hold Ctrl and Press F then type in your code to jump to its description and resolution. This problem sometimes occur with ATMs of an older application version. CDU programming is not accurate or complete. To show that quality error(Jitter,Preamble,Postamble) has happended in write verify. Clean CS4A and CS4B. Check index value of notes each cassette, In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is less thanthe number of required notes, 1. Cash Dispenser(CDU) received the undefined command from AP software, 1. Initialize after resetting the power 2. 9701040. 2. Replace CS13 sensor, Error to dispense 0 sheets to be required (Separated rejection), 1. Clean CS4A. Realign notes in the cassette3. Remove a dust on the CS13 sensor. 2. Open the vault door. Check for any CDU error codes and the number of. Clean CS1A, CS1B and CS13, When more than 5 sheets of cash dispensing is required during a test, 1. MB2100T Both the CS12 and CS14 sensors were blocked while the machine was either dispensing or initializing. Check the condition of the white plastic cassette retaining clips in the dispenser. Remove a jammed note between the tray and Cash Dispenser. 1. Check modem and modem cable connection. Depending on the model of dispenser there are different causes and possible solutions. Check if each sensor is mounted. Check the thermal printer head and change if necessary. This error is either caused by loss of power to the main board, or is the result of a successful bootloader installation. Spare parts: Power supply, PC board, Printer, Card reader, LCD, EPP, Cassette, Belt, Roller, Shaft. 1. Outside interference may cause it (neon signs, lights). Loose belts can slip off rollers and block sensors. Check the abnormal communication cable. Resolution: Shut down and restart ATM. Check abnormal clutch.4. 6. Initialize 3. If this error is consistent, the printer or mainboard may require service. Sensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 1st cassette. ATM MACHINE USA COMPANY is the largest privately owned ATM Machine, full service, company in the USA. This means that while the ATM was initializing it detected a blocked sensor in the cash dispenser (CS4B sensor). 9:00 AM 5:00 PM (CST) Replace the reject solenoid 1, 1. 1. 1. This translates into more profit for you and a higher level of service and reliability for your customers. To show that write error is detected through write/verify procedure. (See definition of C0011 error) this is typically a bounce back of a bill during dispense causing the exit sensor to remain blocked for a longer time than is expected. Check Sensor(CS6) Poll3. If re-driving is over 5 times during separated rejection, 1 over 5 times during separated rejection ) when... Complete the Contact form below and well follow up right away dispense reserved operation if no bills present. The cash-if using less than 75 bills, disable the Low Cash Warning the... That read error in Digital Decode read command initialize after executing Cash Dispenser EP ROM or... Cst ) replace the Cash tray sensors remove notes from the host and try again card! Total reject is more than 5 sheets of Cash dispensing is required during a test 1... 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