Wreath Goldenrod (Solidago caesia) MORNING SUN TO LIGHT SHADE. Height: 12-25'. Cultural requirements same as for Solidago caesia. Most retail nurseries and mail-order catalogs now offer native plants. Part shade. Width: 1-2'. Moist, rich soil. Long-lived. These plants bloom in late summer or early fall. Adapted for Local Climate and Conditions: Native plants are adapted to local soils, climate, and conditions and will persist through frost and drought. The vine has long, slender leaves and masses of flowers in shades of pink, white and purple. If you are unsure of the clematis species/cultivar that you have, observe its flowering habit over a growing season. Bushy. Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. Part sun. There are also a number of native plant sales held in the spring. It seems to do fine in the pond. Part shade. Height: 2-5'. Readily self-sows and so is best used as a groundcover or filler in woodland gardens or at the wood edge. Short, bristle-like inflorescences in mid-summer. Adaptable and easy. Deadhead to prevent. Part sun to shade. Leaves turn reddish in fall. By choosing these wildflowers, vines, and shrubs for your yard, you can make an impact on the appearance and sustainability of your property. I don't think it is getting enough sun. Evenly moist, very fertile soil. Acidic, moisture-retentive soil. Full sun to bright shade. Ferns can be used to hide bare spots. Rain garden plant. Shadier rain garden plant. Moist, rich soil. Group 3 vines flower in late summer or fall on new growth. Moist, rich soil. Emerging foliage deep, smoke-purple followed by greenish-yellow or purplish flowers where leaflets join stems in spring. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Morning sun or dappled light. Whorled Rosinweed (Silphium trifoliatum) - SUN OR PART SUN, Clusters of yellow, daisy-like blooms in mid-summer. Dappled sun to shade. The American Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) have horizontally-oriented branches, and the Oriental ones have vertical ones (at least, that's what some web site said), so I think this is American. Part sun. They will also require pruning every year or two to keep them from becoming woody or leggy over time. Rain garden plant. Cultural requirements similar to those of Rhododendron arborescens, but will tolerate somewhat drier soils. This is a good plant for moist soil. Shadier rain garden plant. In addition to food source, valuable for nesting and cover opportunities. Tiny, round, dark, shiny leaves. Shadier rain garden plant., Virgin's Blower (Clematis virginiana) - MORNING SUN TO BRIGHT SHADE, Vine. Cut back by half in June to control height. Width: 1'. Good fall nectar source and food plant for butterfly larva. Good beside ponds or streams or in boggy spots that are shaded in summer. Keep free of aggressive competitors. Sun to part sun. Also nice in pots. It can grow in a variety of soils, including clay or loam, with good drainage. Average soil. Campsis radicans is an extremely hardy vine that can be grown as an annual or perennial. Soil moisture: Moist. Seed heads are clusters of silky hairs, attractive into fall. These are berries of the Trumpet Honeysuckle, in a cluster where the flowers fall off. Grows in tufts. Sun to part sun. Height: 2-4'. Nice among low groundcovers or rocks, in low, moist meadows or as an edger. Their flowers possess a grace and elegance few plants can match. Description. Self-sows freely. In early spring, cut back all stems to buds that are within 12 to 18 inches of the ground. Also effective in front of evergreens or other dark backgrounds, massed at the edge of a pond or stream or at the edge of woods. Check these Great Plant Combination Blue Vervian (Verbena hastata) - SUN TO PART SUN. It seems to do fine in the pond. Daisy-like yellow flowers with squared-off edges bloom on stout stems in late summer. A large, stately plant. Somewhat drought tolerant after established. Combines well with Wreath Goldenrod, Wild Ginger or Bloodroot. You can plant it in your yard, but if you want to plant it in a pot, you need to provide it with good drainage and keep the soil moist but not wet. They can bloom from spring to fall but are known for their long-lasting blooms, which last until they start to fade in the fall. Self-sows. You can also plant these vines anytime between early spring and late autumn, but planting them in late summer could cause frost damage on tender roots. Each plant has an image, description, and amount of light needed. In early spring, remove any dead stems. Re-emerges in fall. Deer resistant., Common Elderberry (Sambuca candensis) - PART SUN, Deciduous, fast-growing, suckering shrub. Part shade. Deer resistant., Wild Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescenes) - PART SHADE. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime. Strawberry-like, semi-evergreen foliage. Leaves are basal rosettes. Deer resistant, but protect until well-established and sizeable., Sweet Azalea (Rhododendron arborescens) -MORNING SUN, DAPPLED LIGHT, PART SHADE, Deciduous shrub. Deadhead to prevent. After that, you should be able to assign a pruning group and adjust pruning and clean-up activities accordingly. Height: 8-16". Height: 3-4'. They displace and alter native plant communities, degrade wildlife habitat and water quality, and potentially lead to increased soil erosion. Long-lived. NVS maintains a standard set of species code abbreviations that correspond to standard scientific plant names from the Ng Tipu o Aotearoa - New Zealand Plants database. Rain garden plant. Can spread aggressively so remove suckers regularly to prevent spread if desired., Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) - PART SUN, Small tree for understory or wood edge. Joe Pye Weeds are supposed to be a good butterfly attractor. Benefits from cutting to the ground each year after leaves drop in fall. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime. If left to its own devices, Chocolate Vine will turn into an invasive weed in your garden and take over your yard within a few years. Native Plants (618) Ferns (16) Flowers (393) Grasses/Sedges (101) Shrubs (81) Trees (1) Vines (26) Archives Archives. Fertilize in spring. Sun to part sun. Hummingbird plant. Perennial vine with solitary flowers with four yellow sepals (petal-like structures). Deer resistant, Whorled Aster (Oclemena acuminatus) - PART SHADE TO SHADE. During the first growing season, keep the plant pruned back to a height of 18 to 24 inches. Rain garden plant. Moist, rich soil. Small, closely-clustered flower heads resemble cats' paws. Native to: Asia. (Do not compost.) Use in borders, moist meadows or open woods. Ernie and Marietta O'Byrne, in Eugene, Oregon, have a perfect form. Note this is the default cart. Use as a groundcover under deciduous trees or in drifts in wooded areas. Usually found growing on steep slopes or in open woods. Fairly moist, fertile soil. Nice in low spots with Joe-Pye Weed and Boneset, or with tall yellow composites. Deer resistant., New England Aster (Symphotrichum novae-angliae) PART SUN, Showy clusters of 1-2" wide, violet-purple to pink flowers with orange centers in fall. Ideas with Clematis, Combine Late-Flowering Clematis with your Climbing Roses, Pretty Roses and Clematis Combination Ideas (Part 3), Pretty Roses and Clematis Combination Ideas (Part 2), Pretty Roses and Clematis Combination Ideas (Part 1), Combine Early-Flowering Clematis with your Climbing Roses, A Cheerful Border Idea with Monarda, Clematis and Artemisia, A Super Climbing Duo with Clematis 'Viola', A Super Climbing Duo with Clematis montana Grandiflora, A Super Climbing Duo with Clematis 'The President', A Super Climbing Duo with Clematis 'Ernest Markham', A Super Climbing Trio with Clematis 'Ville de Lyon', Native Plant Alternatives to Clematis paniculata (Sweet Autumn Clematis). Choose planting site carefully as it is difficult to divide. Height: 3-5'. Deadhead to prevent. Height up to 30'. Moist, rich soil. Provides food and cover for songbirds; supports small and large mammals. Frothy clusters of white blooms in mid- to late summer. Adaptable and carefree. Enjoy velvety purple blooms, June to frost! Part shade. Shadier rain garden plant., Green-headed Coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata) PART SUN. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime., False Solomons Seal (Maianthemum racemosum) PART SHADE. Moist to wet, rich soil. Plant emerges late. It brighens up the alley by my garage. Large yellow-gold blooms in spring. You've come to the right place for Clematis! Excellent groundcover, spreading about one foot per year. Good wildlife plant. Huge, tropical-looking leaves follow. Deer resistant., Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) - SUN, Clump-forming grass. Fertilize lightly in spring. Flat clusters of small yellow flowers in spring, similar to Queen Anne's Lace. Width: 30'-50'. Height: 3-5'. Deer resistant., Switchgrass(Panicum virgatum) - SUN TO PART SUN -Also called Panic Grass, Clump-forming, with much natural color and size variation. Takes time to develop into sizeable clump, but rugged and long-lived. Must have good drainage. Drought tolerant after established. Average moisture. This group is the most challenging from a pruning standpoint, because the vines bloom on old and new wood. Consistently moist, but not wet, soil, especially during active growth period. Rain garden plant. Moist, rich, near-neutral soil. Shadier rain garden plant., Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica) SUN TO PART SUN. First, these plants are better adapted to soils, moisture and weather than exotic plants that evolved in other parts of the world. Average or even rocky soil that stays moist, especially in spring. Self-sows. Easy. You will find them in various sizes and colors, including red, white, and pink. Width: 1-2'. Our bashful native clematis don't get the attention of the . Forms extensive colonies. Forms colonies. Charming, diminutive plants form tight clumps only 1-4" high. Height: 1-2". Good cut flower. Sun to part sun. Height: 2-3'. Water during drought. Pollinated by bumblebees burrowing down inside bloom. They also prefer neutral pH soil, so if you have a lot of limestone or other acidic soil in your yard, consider adding lime before planting a climbing rose. Moist, fertile soil. It is a clematis of the original and silhosa type. Moist, rich soil. The new foliage growth is a warm bronze. Moist, rich soil. Celastrus scandens (American bittersweet) can tolerate temperatures of 20 degrees Fahrenheit or higher without damage, according to the University of Illinois Extension. BY CAROL HOWE Deadhead to prevent. I'll be waiting for some of those to show up. Moist, rich, well-drained, near-neutral soil. Width: 12". Moist to wet, rich soil. Excellent nectar plant. Divide in spring every 3-5 years. Inconspicuous blooms in early spring. Self-sows, but not aggressively. Width: 1'. Width: 2'. Deadhead to prevent. Part shade. Often found growing on steep, rocky, wooded slopes or stream banks in wild areas. Landscaping with native plants has many benefits, both to you and to the environment as a whole. Berries attract birds. Use in rock gardens, massed or scattered here and there along a wood edge. Ditto for Hemlocks. Deer resistant., Purple Trillium (Trillium erectum) - PART SHADE OR DAPPLED LIGHT, Also called Wake Robin. Morning sun to light shade. Large, edible fruits in fall when long, drooping leaves turn yellow. Seeds attract birds. Also, plant here and there among other species to unify a garden. Best Evergreen Trees to Plant In New York, 10 Evergreen Trees to Plant in North Carolina. Divide every 3-5 years in summer. A showy, yet low maintenance plant. More non-native plants are introduced every year. Sign up for weekly coupons, trending seasonal information, and store updates! Average soil. Foliage turns deep red in fall. Use at the front of a border as an edger, massed in sweeps or as a groundcover. Sun to part sun. Height: to 15". Nectar plant for bumblebees. Rich soil. Silverrod (Solidago bivolor) MORNING SUN TO LIGHT SHADE, A species of goldenrod. Deadhead to prevent. Shiny, round, black seeds in dried clusters may remain through winter. There is no shortage of common names for this vine . Moist, rich soil., Squirrel Corn (Dicentra Canadensis) PART SHADE, Spring ephemeral. Deadhead or remove seed pods to prevent. Excellent wildlife plant., Shrub. Height: 4-7'. Moist, especially in spring. Part sun. Medium to very moist, average soil. Remove of outer twigs in winter. Sun to shade; moderately wet to medium moisture level; prefers rich soil but will grow on coarse sands and gravels to fine silt loams, heavy silts, silty clay loams, stiff clays and peats; prefers slightly acid to neutral pH but tolerates alkaline pH. Fertilize in April and May. Chocolate Vine is hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9. They also prefer soil with an acidic pH level between 6 and 7.5, so use a soil conditioner such as lime or sulfur if your soil is too alkaline for them. Plant nurseries, catalogs, books, or online information can help too. Things are slowing down, but there will be a few new flowers still to come in September. Part shade. Click on the green bars below to see the many plants that are native to our area. Prune just after bloom, as flowers are produced on older canes. Rain garden plant., New York Ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis) SUN TO PART SUN. Self-sows where happy. Height and width: 10-16". Self-sows readily. Leaves large, roundish, with wavy, lobed edges. Shadier rain garden plant. Resembles ageratum. Mulch to keep roots cool, or plant so roots will be shaded. Shiny, round leaves. Rain garden plant. Height: 6-15'. Drooping clusters of white, bell-shaped flowers in spring. Easily transplanted. Easy. Use as a vertical presence in borders, moist meadows, at the edge of woods, in open woods or beside a pond or stream. Width: 3-8'. Cultural requirements same as for Sambucus canadensis. Spreads by rhizomes and self-sows. Remove leaf litter in winter as it can smother plants. Taking native plants from the wild depletes native populations. They can also be grown outdoors if you live in a warm climate. The plant is native to eastern North America, and it can be grown as an ornamental or shade tree. Spires of dainty, white blooms in spring. Deer resistant., Joe-Pye Weed (Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus) PART TO FULL SUN, Also called Trumpetweed. Also self-sows here and there. Deadhead to prevent. Keep clump free of weeds until well-established. By taking the time to give clematis a good head start, providing it with proper growing conditions and knowing when to prune, you can enjoy the queen of the vines" in your home landscape for many years. Deer resistant. Rain garden plant. 5. Use gloves when handling rhizomes as sap can irritate eyes and skin. Moist to wet soil, but quite adaptable to damp, open areas. Moist to dry, rich soil. Butterfly plant. Good fall nectar source and food plant for butterfly larva. Height up to 25'. Part shade. Remove dead stems when dormant. Mulch well. native plant species (PDF) offer many advantages to using non-native species. Foliage interesting as stem appears to pierce leaves. Rain garden plant. Height: 6-12'. Virgin's bower ( Clematis virginiana) is a white, open flower that grows in moist areas and often blooms in abundance, making a large mass. Then let the plant do its thing for the growing season. Attractive to butterflies but ignored by deer! Self-sows. Width: 2'. Part sun. Moderate to dry, average soil. Learn what plants are native in your area. Blooms in flat clusters of mauve flowers in late summer. Climbing hydrangeas are shrubs that can reach up to 80 feet tall and 12 feet wide. Morning sun to bright shade. The word 'clematis' comes from the Greek for 'vine shoot' on account of its climbing habit. Use in borders or in dry, open woods, especially along paths or at the wood edge. Site carefully. Moist, rich soil. Clematis Species, Sweet Autumn Clematis, Virgin's Bower, Japanese Clematis Clematis terniflora 58 more photos VIEW GALLERY View all varieties of Clematis 86 members have or want this plant for trade. Part sun. Height: 2-5'. A naturalizing species for open woods or meadows. Height: 1-2'. Keep clump free of weeds until established. Ours have male and female flowers on different plants. Can be used as a medium height groundcover. I just found a website that says the cones are food for birds including turkey and quail. Clematis flowers are some of the showiest in the garden. Dense stands provide cover and food for birds and other wildlife. Rain garden plant., Swamp Saxifrage (Saxifraga pensylvanica) PART SHADE, Greenish-white flowers in branched clusters on stout, 1-4' high stalks in spring. At the turn of the 21st century, about 1,300 species of non-native plants existed in Pennsylvania outside of gardens, parks, and agricultural lands. If you want to grow Star Jasmine as an indoor plant, make sure that you set up a trellis for it so that it will grow upward instead of sprawling out. Flower stems die after bloom and seed set. I was surprised to find out that they may be native. It is a bog plant that likes damp roots. Or it can be left to ramble through trees and shrubs. It can be grown indoors or outdoors in the state of Pennsylvania. Wet soil. Will self-sow. That is 37 percent of Pennsylvanias total wild plant flora. Part shade. Choose a permanent location and allow to die back naturally. Starting in early spring, fertilize with a balanced organic fertilizer per the manufacturer's recommendations. Self-sows aggressively. Nectar plant for bumblebees. These plants are known for their showy flowers and are often used as a houseplant or for hanging baskets. Unless you have extremely compacted and poorly drained soil, there's a selection that you can grow. Part shade, especially in the afternoon. Favors places where moss grows, as between shaded patio stones. Moist to wet soil. A delicate-looking yet rugged, undemanding plant. Wood Sorrel: Mountain Wood Sorrel, Northern Wood Sorrel. Width: 1-2'. Turns tan in fall. Will grow on steep, rocky banks. Good wildlife plant., Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) - PART SHADE, Spring ephemeral. (Do not compost.) Clematis are called the "queen of the vines," and rightfully so. This encourages both branching and the development of multiple stems from the buds underground. It is taller - 1 to 3 feet high. A lovely filler to mix with showier woodland plants. This is an aggressive species best used for naturalizing among shrubs or to grow over a strong pergola or along a fence. Will self-sow, but not aggressively. Part shade. Minty fragrance. Height and width: to 3'. Here's what a patch of Pink Turtlehead looks like. Forms colonies and may be aggressive, so best used for naturalizing in wetter areas. most species are known as clematis in english, while some are also known as traveller's joy, a name invented for the sole british native, c. vitalba, by the herbalist john gerard; virgin's bower for c. terniflora, c. virginiana, and c. viticella; old man's beard, applied to several with prominent seedheads; leather flower for those with fleshy Shadier rain garden plant. 2. Group 1 pruning are vines flowering in the spring on old growth. Mistflower (conoclinium coelestinum) PART SHADE, Blue-violet flower clusters in late summer. There are several types of climbing hydrangeas, including the fountain hydrangea and the autumn bloomer hydrangea. It is a vigorous, deciduous, twining vine with a rampant growth habit. Here is a native clematis, Virgin's Bower (Clematis virginiana), up on the arbor. Are clusters of white, and it can be grown outdoors if you live a! 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